Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Carrie Lam sticks to her guns on Hong Kong’s controversial extradition bill, but government will hear public concerns
South China Morning Post, May 7, 2019

【逃犯條例.短片】鄭若驊:港人港審、域外法權均「不確切可行」 有否實施《公民權利公約》非考慮因素 (On extradition law amendment, Secretary of Justice Teresa Cheng rejects all counter-proposals from civil society as “not practical”; Carrie Lam confirms no changes will be made)
Ming Pao, May 7, 2019

Hong Kong’s proposed extradition bill could extend Beijing’s coercive reach: Risks for the United States
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, May 7, 2019

望李倩怡好好生活 籲台灣人對抗北京 林榮基:台灣是最後堡壘不能丟失 (“Taiwan is the last fortress; we can’t lose it,” says Hong Kong bookseller Lam Wing-kee, who fled to Taiwan over extradition concerns)
The Stand News, May 7, 2019

流亡少女李倩怡:香港人跟台灣人沒有本錢再天真下去 (Hong Kong woman who fled to Taiwan to avoid rioting charges over Mongkok clash speaks for the first time in interview: Hong Kongers and Taiwanese people can no longer afford to be naive)
The Stand News, May 7, 2019

Government can’t justify discriminatory treatment, lawyer for gay Hong Kong civil servant argues in final appeal over spousal rights
South China Morning Post, May 7, 2019

保安局:不公布水炮車水壓數字 防有人掌握警方戰略 會集中射向人群下肢 (Security Bureau refuses to disclose operation guidelines and capability of newly-acquired crowd control water cannons, dodges queries on potential injuries on targets)
The Stand News, May 7, 2019