China mulls prisoner amnesty for 70th anniversary of People’s Republic
South China Morning Post, June 27, 2019
最高检:监狱假释适用率偏低,有一些罪犯劳动报酬配比不合理 (Supreme People’s Procuratorate observes unsatisfactorily low rates of parole from prisons, disproportionate allocation of funds in inmate accounts)
The Paper, June 27, 2019
Lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan’s statement regarding the revocation of his license
China Change, June 26, 2019
王全璋姊姊:當局要求她今午晤弟弟 否則視為放棄會見 (Providing inadequate notice, authorities require Wang Quanzhang’s sister to visit him today or else forfeit visitation rights)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 27, 2019