Beijing needs sea change over June 4
The Standard, June 5, 2019
原來《黑鏡》都是真的:英國的監視科技系統,越來越像中國 (“Black Mirror” is real: U.K.’s surveillance technology systems are increasingly resembling China’s)
The News Lens, June 5, 2019
The death of Hong Kong as we know it?
The New York Times, June 5, 2019
30-year censorship and no accountability for Tiananmen: Here lies the hope
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, June 4, 2019
The West is complicit in the 30-year cover-up of Tiananmen
The Guardian, June 4, 2019
Raja Mandala: From Tiananmen to digital dystopia
Indian Express, June 4, 2019
UN should support calls for truth and justice over Tiananmen
ISHR, June 4, 2019
China since Tiananmen: Not a dream but a nightmare
Law & Liberty, June 3, 2019