Monday, June 10, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong lawmaker Tanya Chan handed suspended sentence over Umbrella Movement charges
Hong Kong Free Press, June 10, 2019

Hong Kong march: Vast protest of extradition bill shows fear of eroding freedoms
The New York Times, June 9, 2019

HKFP Lens: Hong Kong Island comes to a standstill as hundreds of thousands protest extradition bill
Hong Kong Free Press, June 9, 2019

【圖輯】6.10 凌晨的衝擊與驅散 (In pictures: The violent clash and dispersal after peaceful march against extradition)
The Stand News, June 10, 2019

【 6.12 逃犯條例二讀】民陣號召周三起立法會外集會 召集人岑子杰:有會議就會有行動 (Civil Human Rights Front calls for rally outside LegCo when bill resumes second-reading on Wednesday)
The Stand News, June 10, 2019

Hong Kong will not withdraw extradition bill: Carrie Lam
Al Jazeera, June 10, 2019

聲援香港遊行 羅哲斯:絕食 36 小時 抗議港府無視反送中遊行 (Benedict Rogers to conduct 36-hour hunger strike in response to Hong Kong government’s indifference to massive protests)
The Stand News, June 10, 2019

High Court judge gets warning from Hong Kong’s chief justice after name appears on petition against extradition bill
South China Morning Post, June 8, 2019

Beyond #MeToo: three Hong Kong academics’ quest to challenge sexist attitudes in society and encourage victims to speak up
South China Morning Post, June 10, 2019