Friday, July 12, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Extradition bill crisis: Why are the young people of Hong Kong angry and deeply unhappy?
South China Morning Post, July 12, 2019

Nearly 1 in 10 people in Hong Kong likely to have depression, according to HKU survey conducted during extradition bill crisis
South China Morning Post, July 11, 2019

【6.12一個月】疑中催淚彈後遺症 港台外判司機全身多處流膿 (RTHK van driver cannot afford treatment of complications from teargas during protest after insurance company refuses his claim on basis of government’s “riot” designation)
Apple Daily, July 12, 2019

Video of assault on Hong Kong activist spurs outrage
Inkstone, July 11, 2019

大埔連儂牆被撕 街坊阻止遇襲 手臂骨折 香港仔連儂牆有人縱火被捕 (Lennon Wall attackers break citizen’s arm; police arrest several for assault, suspected arson)
The Stand News, July 12, 2019

Two retired policemen among three people arrested over clashes sparked by “Lennon Walls,” Hong Kong’s latest show of defiance against hated extradition bill
South China Morning Post, July 11, 2019

新聞界周日靜默遊行 促警方遵從警例尊重新聞自由 (Journalists to hold silent march on Sunday, urging police to follow proper procedure, respect press freedom)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 11, 2019

7.17 銀髮族遊行 「老而不廢撐後生仔」(“Old but not invalid,” elderly to take to the streets in “silver haired march” on July 17 in solidarity with young protesters)
Stand News, July 11, 2019

Parents, friends remember Hong Kong protester “Raincoat Man” who died fighting extradition law
Associated Press, July 11, 2019

【梁凌杰設靈】萬人風雨中悼念:願珍惜生命,一齊行下去 (Over 10,000 attend memorial for “Raincoat Man,” first protester who died in anti-extradition movement), July 11, 2019