Monday, July 08, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

警方旺角清場 拘 5 人涉襲擊、阻差辦公 記者採訪期間被警推撞、攻擊 (Police clear Mong Kok’s streets: 5 arrested for assault and obstructing police officers, journalist attacked by police during live-stream, officers’ IDs concealed)
The Stand News, July 8, 2019

九龍區反修例遊行,入夜後佔路,警察包抄示威者,推撞記者 (Nathan Road occupied after peaceful march in Kowloon; police box in protesters, journalists assaulted)
The Initium, July 7, 2019

Protesters and police fight pitched battles in late-night showdown after mass rally against Hong Kong extradition bill
South China Morning Post, July 8, 2019

九龍反送中大遊行 逾23萬人參與 (Photo chronology: Over 23,000 march in Kowloon in latest anti-extradition protest), July 7, 2019

Hong Kong protesters march again, reaching out to Chinese visitors
Reuters, July 7, 2019

Hong Kong’s protesters put AirDrop to ingenious use to breach China’s Firewall
Quartz, July 8, 2019

Explainer: How Hong Kong’s legislature was broken, long before protesters invaded the complex
Hong Kong Free Press, July 7, 2019

港大《學苑》:研究生會擬改憲章 刪須用正體中文規定 (HKU’s postgraduate student association to amend constitution: Activities must comply with Basic Law, requirement for traditional Chinese removed)
The Stand News, July 7, 2019

Mental health, the victim on all sides of Hong Kong’s extradition bill crisis
South China Morning Post, July 6, 2019

How extradition bill protests have united locals and ethnic minorities in Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, July 6, 2019

Storming protesters were “like zombies”: a police officer’s view from inside the Hong Kong legislature
South China Morning Post, July 6, 2019

【逃犯條例】港媽8千人集會 冀告青年:父母願為你擋子彈 (8,000 parents attend “Hong Kong Mothers” assembly in support of young protesters: “We’ll take a bullet for you”)
HK01, July 5, 2019