Hong Kong’s anti-government protesters versus the police: understanding the psychology of hate
South China Morning Post, August 12, 2019
Hong Kong shows the flaws in China’s zero-sum worldview
The Atlantic, August 12, 2019
Would China risk another Tiananmen in Hong Kong?
Agence France-Presse, August 12, 2019
Why fashion brands are rushing to apologize in China
Quartz, August 12, 2019
傘運關鍵詞書寫筆記(六):從傘運到反修例,「升級」的萬千可能 (Protest vocabularies: From Umbrella Movement to anti-extradition, the endless possibilities of “escalation”)
The Initium, August 11, 2019
Rules of the game have changed in Hong Kong’s protest crisis
South China Morning Post, August 11, 2019
In Hong Kong, what happens now that Beijing has called the protests a “color revolution”?
The Washington Post, August 10, 2019
【特寫】掟磚、放火、塗鴉 警署外的抗爭者們:我們反威權,不是反社會 (Interview with protesters who threw bricks and set fire outside police stations: We are anti-authoritarian, not anti-society)
Stand News, August 10, 2019
Universities are turning a blind eye to Chinese bullies
Foreign Policy, August 9, 2019