Investigate Hong Kong police’s use of force against protesters, or risk tarnishing ‘Asia’s world city’ brand
South China Morning Post, August 28, 2019
China should accept Hong Kong's unique identity, not fight it
Al Jazeera, August 27, 2019
一個勇武年輕人的自白:你解決了問題,這幫人就不會出現 (Interview with a “radical” protester: “Solve the problem, and these people will stop appearing”)
The Initium, August 26, 2019
Like “shooting water”: why the Hong Kong government must accept that compromise is the only way forward
The Conversation, August 26, 2019
The Hong Kong Way protest shows enchantment is a powerful weapon
The Guardian, August 27, 2019
Hong Kong’s protesters are trying to break free from the “old seafood” generation
Quartz, August 27, 2019
Can China’s government replace Hong Kong?
ChinaFile, August 27, 2019
China’s government wants you to think all mainlanders view Hong Kong the same way. They don’t.
ChinaFile, August 27, 2019