異見藝術家巴丟草:創作時把自己代入香港示威者角色,我不再想到恐懼 (Artist Badiucao says he put himself in shoes of Hong Kong protests when making art: “I don’t think about being afraid anymore”)
The Initium, September 3, 2019
香港「反送中」運動如何進一步分化海外華人社區?(How Hong Kong’s anti-extradition movement is dividing overseas Chinese communities)
The News Lens, September 3, 2019
What is white terror? The slipping of norms in Hong Kong’s flawed democracy
Hong Kong Free Press, September 2, 2019
In Hong Kong, playing tennis with tear-gas grenades
The New York Times, September 2, 2019
New research shows vast majority of Hong Kong protesters support more radical tactics
The Conversation, September 1, 2019
How China is positioning its counterterrorism forces to play a greater role
South China Morning Post, August 31, 2019
Joshua Wong and Alex Chow: The people of Hong Kong will not be cowed by China
The New York Times, August 31, 2019
Bravery and nihilism on the streets of Hong Kong
New Yorker, August 31, 2019
Hong Kong's ‘be water’ protests leave China casting about for an enemy
The Guardian, August 30, 2019