Friday, September 13, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Police twice turned away fire services medics during Prince Edward MTR swoop, despite multiple injuries
Hong Kong Free Press, September 13, 2019

【8.31 太子站】消防:警方不只一次稱無傷者 救護員一小時後方可進站增援 (Police claimed “no one injured” more than once to emergency services and denied access them to station for an hour, says Fire Services Department)
Stand News, September 12, 2019

At least six hurt in Hong Kong as drain cleaner thrown from building at protesters singing songs and shouting slogans after anti-government rally
South China Morning Post, September 13, 2019

Belting out protest song is latest act of Hong Kong movement
Associated Press, September 13, 2019

【逃犯條例】港大學生會署理會長黃程鋒遇襲後離港 辭學生會職務 (Acting president of Hong Kong University Student Union resigns and leaves Hong Kong after being attacked by masked man)
Ming Pao, September 13, 2019

Hong Kong protesters launch series of legal challenges and ask city’s judges to remove riot label from early clashes with police
South China Morning Post, September 13, 2019

Teacher claiming right eye hit by rubber bullet chases raptors
The Standard, September 13, 2019

Mid-Autumn Festival lantern protests to light up Hong Kong, protesters to target MTR
Reuters, September 12, 2019

港續膺最自由經濟體 菲沙研究所:內地干預及暴力鎮壓示威威脅法治 (Fraser Institute warns mainland interference and violent suppression on protests threaten Hong Kong’s rule of law)
Ming Pao, September 12, 2019

The Chief Executive ‘has to serve two masters,’ HK leader Carrie Lam; full transcript
Reuters, September 12, 2019

Experts warn tear gas residue can last 3 weeks, as US reps propose ban on crowd control gear to Hong Kong police
Hong Kong Free Press, September 12, 2019

Chinese suppliers ready to provide tear gas to Hong Kong as other sources dry up
South China Morning Post, September 12, 2019

香港民研:青年人感悲觀仍堅持 九成人撐獨立調查委員會 (Study finds over 90% of respondents support independent investigation by commission of inquiry; young people willing to persevere despite widespread pessimism), September 12, 2019

調查指何君堯與民建聯成學校政治壓力 教協:他們令社會矛盾惡化 (Professional Teachers’ Union investigation criticizes Junius Ho and DAB for exerting political pressure on schools, exacerbating conflict in society), September 12, 2019

Eight spared jail in Hong Kong over 2016 protest against Beijing’s interpretation of Basic Law
South China Morning Post, September 11, 2019