Friday, September 20, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Amnesty accuses HK police of abuses, torture of protesters
Reuters, September 20, 2019

回應國際特赦調查 警方稱一向尊重被羈留人士權利 (Police say they “have always respected rights of persons in custody” in response to report by Amnesty International)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 20, 2019

Hong Kong: Arbitrary arrests, brutal beatings and torture in police detention revealed
Amnesty International, September 19, 2019

公開林鄭月娥與區議員對話會全段秘密錄音(Full recording of meeting between district councillors and Carrie Lam)
Stand News, September 20, 2019

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam to meet 150 randomly selected citizens for ‘community dialogue’ on political crisis
Hong Kong Free Press, September 20, 2019

No loudhailers, umbrellas allowed at talks with Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam
Reuters, September 19, 2019

Au Nok-hin files appeal against his unseating
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 20, 2019

HK$10m crowdfunding campaign aims to help victims sue Hong Kong police over alleged mistreatment
Hong Kong Free Press, September 19, 2019

遭全裸搜身女被捕者去信警方 促作刑事調查並索閉路電視紀錄 (Female protester subjected to strip search in custody demands criminal investigation, surveillance footage after police “regret” her case being raised at UN Human Rights Council)
Stand News, September 19, 2019

China Central Television urges netizens to doxx Hong Kong protesters and reporters
Global Voices, September 19, 2019

蘋果日報獲高院臨時禁制令 禁止任何人發布員工個人資料 (Apple Daily obtains court injunction banning publication of employees’ personal information)
Stand News, September 19, 2019

Former Hong Kong leader CY Leung slams education chief over cases of teachers’ protest comments on social media
South China Morning Post, September 19, 2019

仇警兩教師教局發譴責信 「拒曱甴」副校個案裁不成立 (In letters, Education Bureau censures two teachers over “hate speech toward police” on social media; dismisses as “unfounded” complaints of another school’s vice chancellor who called protesters “cockroaches”)
Ming Pao, September 19, 2019

寧波公學學生陸運會唱《願榮光歸香港》 稱被副校斥「中毒」罰面壁 (Vice chancellor punishes students for singing “Glory to Hong Kong” during sporting event, says they have been “poisoned”)
Stand News, September 19, 2019

Court orders MTR Corp. to preserve CCTV footage of police incidents at two stations
Hong Kong Free Press, September 19, 2019

Hong Kong barristers challenge police chief Stephen Lo over accusations officers are curbing access to clients arrested amid protests
South China Morning Post, September 18, 2019