Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

US House approves Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, with Senate vote next
South China Morning Post, October 15, 2019

‘Fight with Hong Kong’: 130,000 gather to urge US to pass Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act to monitor city’s autonomy, organisers say
Hong Kong Free Press, October 15, 2019

13萬人迫爆中環 為香港人權民主法案集氣 (130,000 gather in Central to rally support for Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act)
Inmediahk.net, October 14, 2019

‘Not feasible to relaunch a debate on universal suffrage now,’ Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam tells EU, according to internal report
South China Morning Post, October 15, 2019

【反修例】林鄭:目前回應訴求毫無意義 你沒法跟暴徒談判 ("You can't negotiate with the mob," writes Carrie Lam in internal report to EU representatives, maintains refusal to meet protesters' demands)
Ming Pao, October 15, 2019

Hong Kong leader rules out concessions in face of escalating violence
Reuters, October 15, 2019

強烈譴責警濫暴 now 引述受傷車長:押返警署後遭暴力對待 最少 9 處傷痕 下顎骨裂 (Police shoot Now news van driver in the head with beanbag round, beat him in police station; released to hospital two hours later with broken jaw)
Stand News, October 14, 2019

Hong Kong police apologise and vow to investigate case of Now TV driver hit by projectile and detained
Hong Kong Free Press, October 15, 2019

Hong Kong’s Worsening Press Climate
The Atlantic, October 11, 2019

Two young candidates running for Hong Kong District Council assaulted while campaigning on the streets
Hong Kong Free Press, October 14, 2019

【區議會選舉】黃之鋒等3參選人立場被質疑 選舉主任促解釋 (Returning Officer asks district council candidates to confirm political stance after posting protest slogan on Facebook)
Ming Pao, October 14, 2019

選舉主任要求黃之鋒回覆是否認同眾志「民主自決」主張 (Joshua Wong asked to confirm stance on "democratic self-determination" and whether he represents Demosisto in run for upcoming district council election)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 15, 2019

香港知專公開陳彥霖出事當日CCTV疑曾剪接 學生街坊不滿破壞校園 (Hong Kong Design Institute shows security footage after 15-year-old protester found dead, students suspect footage was edited, school says original file lost)
Stand News, October 14, 2019

Student 'suicide' video triggers rampage on campus
The Standard, October 15, 2019

將軍澳市民追悼15歲失蹤少女 同學促校方公開閉路電視揭露真相 (Tseung Kwan O residents hold vigil for student protester found dead near shore, classmates urge school to disclose CCTV footage)
Inmediahk.net, October 11, 2019

【禁蒙面法】中年婦扯示威者口罩被摔倒 律政司證實為法庭檢控主任 (Woman who ripped off protesters' masks during march discovered to be court prosecutor)
Ming Pao, October 14, 2019

‘We will not sever ties’: Hong Kong violence prompts debate but no division among protesters
Agence France-Presse, October 14, 2019

Protester ‘slashed police officer’s neck’ with sharp object, amid clashes and vandalism across Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, October 13, 2019

Interview: Advocacy expert Sharon Hom puts Hong Kong protests on the agenda in Washington DC
Hong Kong Free Press, October 13, 2019

Elderly Hongkongers protest outside police headquarters in Wan Chai in support of alleged abuse victims
South China Morning Post, October 12, 2019

‘They don’t deserve sympathy’: how a young police recruit switched sides to join the Hong Kong protests
Hong Kong Free Press, October 12, 2019

Hong Kong: arrest of 750 children during protests sparks outcry
The Guardian, October 11, 2019

【逃犯條例】19兒童事務委員會委員發聲明 要求會警方檢視處理兒童被捕者手法 (19 members of Children’s Commission urge police to review procedures in handling underage arrestees)
Ming Pao, October 14, 2019

Hong Kong Protester Says She Was Sexually Assaulted by Police After Being Arrested
Vice, October 11, 2019

Hundreds of masked protesters march in support of Hong Kong student who accused cop of sexual assault
Hong Kong Free Press, October 11, 2019