Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

特首立法會答問會 朱凱廸陳志全等多名議員叫囂被逐 (Pan-democrats kicked out of Q&A at Carrie Lam's policy address, LegCo chairman refuses moment of silence for protesters who died in anti-extradition movement)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 17, 2019

Hong Kong Policy Address 2019: Democrats blast Lam’s ‘irrelevant’ speech as pro-Beijing camp offer lukewarm welcome
Hong Kong Free Press, October 16, 2019

不提民間訴求政改問題 林鄭認施政報告「或許沒有政治解答」(Carrie Lam admits policy address offers no political solutions, but hopes to review problems after calm is restored)
Stand News, October 16, 2019

回應道歉引員佐級協會不滿 張建宗盼市民勿再糾纏7.21事件 (Secretary of Administration Matthew Cheung wishes Hong Kong citizens would stop fixating on July 21 Yuen Long attacks)
Ming Pao, October 17, 2019

香港十公里挑戰賽警方發反對通知ㅤ田總提出上訴 (Organizer of annual amateur 10km challenge to appeal police letter of objection banning event)
Stand News, October 17, 2019

戴啟思向會員發信:沒有情況比政府向市民施暴更蠶食法治 (Bar Association Chairman Philip Dykes: Nothing more corrosive to rule of law than violence inflicted on public by "apparently unaccountable state agents")
Stand News, October 17, 2019

Hong Kong is exporting its protest techniques around the world
Quartz, October 16, 2019

Hong Kong protest leader Jimmy Sham attacked by men wielding hammers, Civil Front says
Hong Kong Free Press, October 16, 2019

民陣召集人岑子杰遭多人鐵槌襲擊 留醫廣華 (Civil Human Rights Front convenor Jimmy Sham hospitalized after masked men attack him with hammers)
Ming Pao, October 16, 2019

岑子杰疑遭非華裔兇徒襲擊 警方認為有預謀 (Police say attack on Jimmy Sham was planned)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 17, 2019

Hong Kong: Protest leader left bleeding on street after brutal hammer attack
Amnesty International, October 16, 2019

Hong Kong Protests: Equal Opportunities Commission gets 300 inquiries about alleged sexual harassment by police during unrest
South China Morning Post, October 16, 2019