Friday, October 25, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

‘Fight against oppression’: Hong Kong and Catalan protesters hold parallel solidarity rallies
Hong Kong Free Press, October 25, 2019

加泰隆尼亞集會聲援香港 唱加語版《榮光》 當地華人唱國歌示威 有人搶標語擋鏡頭 (Catalonians hold solidarity assembly with Hong Kong and sing "Glory to Hong Kong" song, while Pro-China protesters harrass rally)
Stand News, October 24, 2019

【加泰人權自由集會】居港加泰人:對港人聲援感動 痛心警暴 港人:兩地抗爭相似 (Catalonians in Hong Kong join solidarity rally)
Stand News, October 24, 2019

How justice falls through the cracks of a Taiwan-Hong Kong legal loophole
South China Morning Post, October 25, 2019

律政司警務處長申禁令 禁披露警員「起底」資料 (Commissioner of Police applies for injunction order to ban "doxxing" of officers and their family, including unauthorized disclosure of names, social media accounts, license plate numbers or photos)
Stand News, October 25, 2019

記協:96% 受訪新聞從業員 反對官方「記者發牌制度」 (96% of journalists oppose centralized licensing system for individual journalists, says Hong Kong Journalists Association)
Stand News, October 25, 2019

Hong Kong government slammed in ombudsman ruling on suppression of public feedback to extradition bill
South China Morning Post, October 25, 2019

Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong’s district council candidacy still in limbo as Hong Kong government vetting officer abruptly replaced
South China Morning Post, October 24, 2019

【因病休假】DQ 參選人前先 DQ 選舉主任? 黃之鋒:搵劊子手取消我參選資格 (Disqualifying the disqualifier: Joshua Wong criticizes "hard order" from Beijing to disqualify him as his eligibility to run for election remains unknown)
Stand News, October 24, 2019

【11.24 區選】政府稱已設選舉危機管理委員會 如遇騷亂暴力或押後區選 (Government says crisis group has been formed for upcoming election, might postpone election in the event of violence)
Stand News, October 24, 2019

Hong Kong gov’t forms election crisis committee in case of last-minute delay due to disruption
Hong Kong Free Press, October 25, 2019