15-year-old struck by projectile at Hong Kong protest on Wednesday in critical condition
Hong Kong Free Press, November 14, 2019
Hong Kong police confirm man in black died after falling from height in Kwai Chung
Hong Kong Free Press, November 14, 2019
【抗暴之戰】警催淚彈釋二噁英鐵證 立場匡哥生「氯痤瘡」(Stand News reporter diagnosed with incurable Chloracne after exposure to dioxins released by tear gas)
Apple Daily, November 14, 2019
前線記者確診不治之症「氯痤瘡」,正視催淚彈毒害刻不容緩 (Frontline journalist diagnosed with Chloracne: Hong Kong government must promptly address harms of tear gas)
The News Lens, November 14, 2019
Hong Kong Colleges Become Besieged Citadels as Police Close In
The New York Times, November 14, 2019
Hong Kong court rejects CUHK injunction against police entry and crowd control weapon use without approval
Hong Kong Free Press, November 13, 2019【警闖中大】謝振中指大學已變兵工廠 質疑段崇智未守承諾欠港人交代 警單日開逾千橡膠彈 (Police claim universities have become armories for rioters; say CUHK headmaster who was tear gassed owes Hong Kong an apology for breaking promise of ceasefire)
Stand News, November 13, 2019
Hong Kong’s Education Bureau slammed for delay in suspending classes amid chaos in the city
South China Morning Post, November 13, 2019
CUHK announces premature end to semester as Hong Kong universities switch to online teaching
Hong Kong Free Press, November 13, 2019
內地在港交流生:被有關部門強行安排全部遣返 (Liaison Office sends mainland students home with transit tickets purchased in advance using personal information on file)
Stand News, November 14, 2019
回家之路像在逃難:校園成戰場,教育部將協助返台學生「專案轉學」("Like evacuating from a catastrophe": As university campuses become battlegrounds, Taiwan exchange students bid temporary farewell)
The News Lens, November 14, 2019
民建聯約見特首 倡成立協調中心帶領全民參與止暴 (Pro-Beijing political party urges Carrie Lam to establish anti-violence coordination platform to "let citizens participate in clearing roadblocks")
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 14, 2019
Chaos in Hong Kong as pro-democracy protests ‘blossom everywhere’
Agence France-Presse, November 13, 2019
Not clear why people are so angry: Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 13, 2019