Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Despair and destruction at Hong Kong's Polytechnic University - in pictures
The Guardian, November 22, 2019

【圍困理大】警開咪嘲留守者要食生命麵包 網民發起「和你食包」:食包唔可恥,Popo 你食屎 (Daily "Lunch With You" protesters eat plain bread today to show solidarity after police mock starving students trapped in PolyU)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

民間記者會引述理大抗爭者:校內非人生活 轟警「想殺死我哋」("They're trying to kill us": Letter from trapped PolyU student slams inhumane treatment by police, "peaceful resolution" just ends in over 200 arrests), November 22, 2019

Abuse and acrimony as crisis-hit Hong Kong holds district polls
Channel NewsAsia, November 22, 2019

網民發表《連登共同宣言》:11.24 絕不破壞,齊齊投票 (Joint declaration circulated on LIHKG urging protesters to vote on district elections on Sunday)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

'Police election presence needed to make voters feel safe'
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 22, 2019

趙家賢永世記得耳廓被扯甩聲音 至今仍感陣痛頭暈 ("I will always remember the sound": District elections candidate who had ear bitten off by attackers leaves hospital, prepares for election)
Ming Pao, November 22, 2019

被捕人士庭上稱遭警狂毆 鄧炳強指非新鮮事:成日都有 ("Complaints like these happen all the time," says new Police Commissioner after hundreds of protesters brought to court claim beaten by police and magistrate urged authorities to act), November 22, 2019

【圍困理大】首批被告 19 人控暴動 投訴警毆打推倒至手掌骨折 延 42 小時送院 (First batch charged with rioting in PolyU siege raise complaints of police brutality and 42-hour delay in being sent to hospital)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

Hong Kong hospitals find themselves on protest frontlines
Reuters, November 22, 2019

西灣河被槍傷男子被控非法集結 警方不排除加控罪行 (Protester shot in abdomen by live round charged with illegal assembly)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 22, 2019

15 學者、宗教人士宣布絕食 要求警方和平解決理大事件 (Scholars and religious leaders start hunger strike to demand independent investigation of police violence, peaceful resolution and dropping of rioting charges in PolyU crisis, and go-ahead for district council elections)
Stand News, November 21, 2019

社福界下月罷工3日促查警暴設獨立調查委員會 1215遊行路線待定 (Social welfare sector to go on strike for three days in December urging establishment of independent commission to investigate police violence)
Ming Pao, November 21, 2019

Hong Kong protests: call for peace from son of Luo Changqing, killed by brick hurled during Sheung Shui clash
South China Morning Post, November 21, 2019

人民日報轟港法院判刑輕 倡設特別法庭快審快判 再斥高院廢《禁蒙面法》(People's Daily urges setting up special court to speed up prosecution of protesters, slams Hong Kong courts for light sentencing and "exceeding authority" in anti-mask law ruling)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

In Warning to Hong Kong’s Courts, China Shows Who Is Boss
The New York Times, November 21, 2019