Thursday, November 07, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

【周梓樂墮樓】分析近十小時 CCTV 未見催淚彈或警追捕 惟盲點極多尚未釋疑 (Security footage released by Tseung Kwan O car park owner reveals no tear gas threat or police chase, yet doubts remain on why university student fell)
Stand News, November 7, 2019

民間記者會發言人籲車主提供片段還原科大生墮樓真相 (Citizens urge car owners to provide camera footage to investigate why student fell in Tseung Kwan O car park)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 6, 2019

HKUST president Wei Shyy vows to condemn police violence if officers are proven to have violated tear gas rules around time his student fell and suffered severe brain injury
South China Morning Post, November 6, 2019

性罪行受害人報案信心劇降 促獨立調查及改善性侵取證程序 (Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women urges independent inquiry, improvement in evidence collection procedures for sexual violence cases, as victims' confidence in reporting plummets), November 6, 2019

右眼中槍印尼女記者擬法律追究 要求警方交出開槍警姓名被拒 (Indonesian journalist Veby Mega Indah plans private prosecution after losing right eye to police shooting, but says police refused her request for identity of police officer who fired bean bag round)
Stand News, November 6, 2019

China backs bolder action to counter roots of Hong Kong unrest: official
Reuters, November 6, 2019

Pop star Joey Yung Cho-yee apologises for ‘supporting’ Hong Kong protests
South China Morning Post, November 6, 2019

‘Ideas are bulletproof’ – Hong Kong riot police deploy water cannon to disperse protesters in Guy Fawkes masks
Hong Kong Free Press, November 6, 2019

Hong Kong: Will violence kill the pro-democracy movement?
Deutsche Welle, November 6, 2019