Is Violence in Hong Kong’s Protests Turning off Moderates?
China File, December 11, 2019
【訪問】韓國公民人權律師訪港 震驚港警實彈射示威者 憂警權過大欠制約 (Korean human rights lawyer visits Hong Kong: Shocked at life-rounds, concerned by unrestrained police powers)
Stand News, December 13, 2019
As a Disorienting Decade Closes, a Perilous One Begins
The New York Times, December 13, 2019
HKFP Lens: Illuminate Hong Kong highlights the delicate intimacy of a city in turmoil
Hong Kong Free Press, December 13, 2019
A truly independent inquiry into police conduct is best way forward
South China Morning Post, December 12, 2019