China cannot just rely on its economic might to silence the growing army of critics
South China Morning Post, December 27, 2019
所以,台灣真的需要《反滲透法》嗎?(Does Taiwan need an anti-infiltration law?)
The News Lens, December 27, 2019
《妖風:全球民主危機與反擊之道》:中國「銳實力」,媒體、大學、政商與慈善無聲入侵 (Ill Winds: China's sharp power is infiltrating media, universities, charities and polit-business spheres)
The News Lens, December 27, 2019
Star Wars: How Taiwan’s Celebrities Became Pawns in the Cross-Strait Struggle
The Diplomat, December 26, 2019
China's New Civil Religion
The New York Times, December 23, 2019