Hong Kong (香港)

港独青年的自白:政治与文化的中港撕裂 (Confessions of a pro-independence Hong Konger: The rift across the border is in both politics and culture)
BBC News, April 1, 2019

“Renowned scholar” to help Hong Kong activists win court case in Japan over Tokyo Yasukuni Shrine protest, lawyers say
South China Morning Post, April 1, 2019

被捕後疑在警車遭毆打 四社運人士向警方索償近90萬 (Four activists file lawsuit against police, claiming to have been beaten in police van after arrest)
The Stand News, April 1, 2019

Thousands march in Hong Kong over proposed extradition law changes
Reuters, March 31, 2019

In Pictures: 12,000 Hongkongers march in protest against “evil” China extradition law, organizers say
Hong Kong Free Press, March 31, 2019

【移交逃犯擬修例】回應反修例遊行 林鄭:有別有用心者鼓吹港獨 不會容忍 (Carrie Lam: Government will not retract extradition law amendment, people with “ulterior motives” are using public activity to incite independence)
Ming Pao, April 1, 2019

Open Letter: Dear Carrie Lam, Hongkongers risk unfair trials, torture and ill-treatment under new China extradition plan
Hong Kong Free Press, March 31, 2019

劉鑾雄申司法覆核 逃犯條例修訂 (Joseph Lau, billionaire and former CEO who was convicted in Macau, files judicial challenge against proposed extradition law amendment)
The Stand News, April 1, 2019

【移交逃犯】稱必在修例前離港 林榮基:不信港府會保障我人身安全 (“Will leave Hong Kong before amendment goes through,” says Causeway Bay bookseller Lam Wing-kee, citing lack of trust in Hong Kong government to protect him)
The Stand News, March 31, 2019

Only ministry-level mainland Chinese bodies will request extraditions from Hong Kong, says security chief John Lee
South China Morning Post, March 30, 2019

Occupy activists invoke spirit of Christian persecution as hundreds march in Hong Kong ahead of court judgment day
South China Morning Post, March 30, 2019

“Politically neutral” student union group rejected in by-election at Shue Yan University
Hong Kong Free Press, March 29, 2019