Wednesday, May 15, 2019

June Fourth 30th Anniversary (“六四”三十周年)

On This Day — May 15, 1989: Foreign dignitary visit to Beijing: On this day in 1989, Mikhail Gorbachev comes to Beijing for a summit meeting with Deng Xiaoping. Instead of an official welcome on Tiananmen Square, Gorbachev enters the Great Hall of the People by a back entrance. Thousands of intellectuals, teachers and scientists march to the square.
See HRIC chronology and resources.

30年後,香港還能守住六四記憶嗎?—— 專訪李立峯 (Interview with journalism scholar Francis Lee: 30 years on, will Hong Kong still be able to guard the memory of June Fourth?)
The Initium, May 15, 2019

30 years ago: Zhao Ziyang appears to win backing
China Digital Times, May 14, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

“香港民主之父”:倘若我们屈服,大陆再无民主曙光 (Hong Kong veteran democrat Martin Lee: If we bow down, there is no more hope for democracy in the mainland)
Radio Free Asia, May 14, 2019

Hong Kong leader stakes credibility on extradition bill – but impasse continues in Legislative Council
South China Morning Post, May 14, 2019


【逃犯條例】涂謹申倡三方會議協商 張建宗:行政機關不宜介入立會程序爭拗 (Not suitable for administration to interfere with procedural matters of the legislature, says Matthew Cheung, responding to calls for tripartite negotiations on extradition law amendment bill)
The Stand News, May 14, 2019

Extraditions from Hong Kong to rest of China violate Basic Law, argue lawyers for fugitive tycoon Joseph Lau in judicial review
South China Morning Post, May 15, 2019

【逃犯條例】中聯辦:港回歸至今未曾向內地移交疑犯 修例乃落實基本法應有之義 (Hong Kong Liaison Office speaks up on extradition law: amendments are necessary for implementing the Basic Law)
The Stand News, May 15, 2019

UK minister’s “deep concern” over HK extradition
RTHK, May 15, 2019

【逃犯條例】郭榮鏗:德外交政策總監表明 考慮取消與香港移交逃犯協議 (Germany considers cancelling extradition arrangements with Hong Kong over amendment concerns)
The Stand News, May 15, 2019

Taiwan extends visa for “exiled” Hong Kong bookseller Lam Wing-kee by two months
Hong Kong Free Press, May 14, 2019