Hong Kong (香港)

Court order bans protests at Hong Kong airport, apart from designated areas, as airlines in recovery mode after demonstration chaos
South China Morning Post, August 14, 2019

Hong Kong: flights resume at airport after clashes between protesters and police
The Guardian, August 14, 2019

Hong Kong: airport protests descend into violence – video report
The Guardian, August 13, 2019

《環時》記者機場被圍遇襲 總編引述記者現場稱:我支持香港警察,你們可以打我了(Global Times journalist attacked by protesters: “I support Hong Kong police, you can hit me”)
Stand News, August 14, 2019

【機場集會】被質疑是公安 男子遭包圍數小時 警到場後起衝突 被毆警曾拔槍 (Police officer on scene to rescue man surrounded by protestors is ambushed and pulls out revolver)
Stand News, August 14, 2019

民陣星期日總動員「和理非」再遊行 岑子杰:今日不是政見分歧,是良知問題 (Civil Human Rights Front calls peaceful march on August 18: “Not a matter of political differences, but a matter of conscience”)
Inmediahk.net, August 13, 2019

Carrie Lam’s PR chief pays price for Hong Kong leader’s plummeting reputation amid anti-government protests
South China Morning Post, August 14, 2019

Hong Kong protests: As police and protesters change tactics, is more violence inevitable?
South China Morning Post, August 13, 2019

China flaunts military muscle as it seeks to quell Hong Kong's “colour revolution”
The Guardian, August 13, 2019

Beijing unlikely to intervene in Hong Kong but police under pressure to end protests, analysts say
South China Morning Post, August 14, 2019

More than 1,000 health care staff stage sit-in to condemn “excessive use of force” by Hong Kong police on anti-government protesters
South China Morning Post, August 13, 2019

Protests put Hong Kong on collision course with China’s Communist Party
The New York Times, August 13, 2019