Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s undercover medics reveal hidden toll of protests
Associated Press, October 9, 2019

近 200 消防救護聯署 轟處長盲撐警 「恥與警暴為伍」 (Nearly 200 firefighters and paramedics issue joint statement condemning police obstruction of humanitarian aid)
Stand News, October 8, 2019

【抗暴之戰】撞人的士司機未被追究 反獲撐警組織捐52萬 (Taxi driver, not yet arrested, who drove into protest crowd receives HK $520,000 donation from pro-Beijing group)
Apple Daily, October 9, 2019

20-year-old arrested for rioting after ‘vigilante beating’ of taxi driver accused of ploughing into protesters
Hong Kong Free Press, October 8, 2019

中槍印尼記者代表律師:警無搜證,律師團隊 5 日後現場撿回橡膠子彈等證物 (Lawyer representing Indonesian journalist who was shot in the eye says police didn't gather evidence)
Stand News, October 9, 2019

In Hong Kong’s Crackdown on Protests, Face Mask Ban May Be the Start
The New York Times, October 6, 2019

Hong Kong: mask-ban endangers journalists
Reporters Without Borders, October 8, 2019

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam may not deliver annual speech in person as violent protests put Legislative Council on high alert
South China Morning Post, October 8, 2019

【區議會選舉】梁凱晴今早宣布參選觀塘區議會 晚上遇襲後腦受傷 (Kwun Tong District Council candidate attacked, hospitalized on night she announced run for election)
Ming Pao, October 8, 2019

Hong Kong 'won't rule out' Chinese help over protests: leader
Agence France-Presse, October 8, 2019

Hong Kong riot police storm Ma On Shan mall to make arrest, as multi-district protests, vandalism continue to fizzle
Hong Kong Free Press, October 8, 2019

How Hong Kong’s female protesters are reclaiming the “basic bitch” stereotype
Quartz, October 7, 2019