Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong's metro, legislature open but more protests planned
Al Jazeera, October 11, 2019

Nearly a third of Hong Kong protesters arrested over past four months of unrest aged under 18, city’s No 2 official reveals, calling trend ‘heartbreaking’
South China Morning Post, October 11, 2019

【記者右眼失明】印尼傭工領事館示威 促印尼向港府施壓尋求公義 (Indonesian migrant workers rally outside their consulate to urge action on reporter shot blind during protests)
Stand News, October 11, 2019

‘I am not the only one’: Hong Kong student removes mask and accuses police of sexual assault
Hong Kong Free Press, October 11, 2019

中大女生稱遭警性暴力 警方: 將聯絡事主 至今無接獲新屋嶺性侵投訴 (Police say no complaints received after university student spoke publicly on sexual violence during detention, urge her to provide concrete evidence for investigation)
Stand News, October 11, 2019

【逃犯條例】清潔工會:清理水炮車殘餘物皮膚刺痛 反駁陳肇始稱工人獲保護裝備 (Cleaning workers union says no special gear provided for workers handling chemical residue from riot control weapons, lack of guidelines for evacuating protest scenes while on duty)
Ming Pao, October 10, 2019

特稿:肚落地流羊水被指「扮嘢」 20分鐘方上白車 被捕孕婦:產房袍半穿 男警闖入索資料 (Police officer accuses arrested pregnant woman of "acting" when her water broke, threatens to bring her to San Uk Ling detention center; male officer enters delivery room to obtain patient information)
Ming Pao, October 11, 2019

Hong Kong protests: police have right to remove masks from reporters and patients at any time under new law, top brass tell frontline officers
South China Morning Post, October 10, 2019

‘You’re not alone’: Hong Kong activists united over raising awareness about gender-based violence
Hong Kong Free Press, October 10, 2019