Government Accountability (政府问责)

聯合國人權高級專員促獨立調查香港警暴 中方斥干涉內政 (China criticizes UN High Commissioner of Human Rights for interference after she urged for independent investigation on police violence)
Stand News, December 1, 2019

Hong Kong’s leaders have only one way out of the protest crisis – a broad, open and inclusive dialogue with the whole community
South China Morning Post, November 30, 2019

Chinese police prepare for Macau handover anniversary with anti-terror drill near Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, November 30, 2019

The Coming Political Restrictions on Chinese Outbound Travel
The Diplomat, November 30, 2019

The migrants who made China an industrial giant face a grim retirement
The Economist, November 30, 2019

加拿大数十位参众议员挺香港 计划提案举行听证会和立法 (Dozens of Canadian lawmakers press for use of Magnitsky Act to support Hong Kong protests, to hold hearing to receive testimonies)
Radio Free Asia, November 29, 2019

外交部:不受歡迎的人自然不會被容許入境 (Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is considering barring draftsmen of U.S.'s act on Hong Kong from entering China)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 29, 2019

中国公布王立强受审视频 特工身份扑朔迷离 (China releases video of trial in 2016 of defected spy seeking asylum in Australia, accusing him of being a fraudster)
Deutsche Welle, November 28, 2019

China’s religion chiefs to double down on bringing doctrine in line with socialist dogma
South China Morning Post, November 27, 2019

Chinese Officials Tear Down Madonna Painting, Replace it With President Xi
Radio Free Asia, November 29, 2019

Tibetan Religious Figures Reject Chinese Role in Dalai Lama Reincarnation
Radio Free Asia, November 27, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

'Are you trying to kill us?': Police fire tear gas at Hong Kong protesters as thousands return to the streets
Associated Press, December 1, 2019

38 萬人參與尖沙咀遊行 警放催淚彈、推長者、掩記者口 ("Don't forget where we started": 380,000 join approved march in Tsim Sha Tsui, met with tear gas)
Stand News, December 1, 2019

In Pictures: Hong Kong police fire tear gas in Whampoa, Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok, disrupting protest calm
Hong Kong Free Press, December 2, 2019

新一哥否認警暴 反斥傳媒大規模造假抹黑警隊 (New commissioner of police denies police violence exists, criticizes media of conducting mass smear campaign using fake news), December 2, 2019

Hong Kong cop who drove motorbike into protesters back on active duty as police chief rejects inquiry calls
Hong Kong Free Press, December 1, 2019

疑遭政治打壓印傭作家 Yuli 最快今午遞解出境 支持者入境處總部抗議:姐姐都係手足 (Protesters rally outside Immigration Department to support migrant worker facing deportation for covering Hong Kong protests)
Stand News, December 2, 2019

Indonesian migrant worker who covered Hong Kong protests detained for 28 days, faces deportation over visa issue
Hong Kong Free Press, December 1, 2019

Hong Kong seniors rally to back students as activists decry police actions
Reuters, November 30, 2019

退休紀律部隊撐學生抗爭 批香港已無好警察 ("There are no more good cops in Hong Kong," says retired disciplinary forces officer at "silver-hair" rally), December 1, 2019

‘We could all be Simon’: Hundreds urge London to protect UK nationals in Hong Kong after alleged torture of consular worker
Hong Kong Free Press, November 30, 2019

Hong Kong police consider use of wooden bullets to tackle unrest
Hong Kong Free Press, November 29, 2019

回應警方考慮使用木彈 民權觀察促請警方停止武力升級 (Civil Rights Observer urges police to cease escalation of force as new commissioner says wooden bullets are being considered), November 29, 2019

Hong Kong police lift siege on Polytechnic University after 12 days
Hong Kong Free Press, November 29, 2019

‘I choose to stay’: Hong Kong protester determined to outlast police at besieged Polytechnic University
Hong Kong Free Press, December 1, 2019

Hong Kong Police End 2-Week Campus Siege
The New York Times, November 29, 2019

How one fighter made his escape from the worst battle of Hong Kong’s protests
Quartz, November 30, 2019

Gay homeowner challenges Hong Kong inheritance law over fears husband may not get house if he dies
South China Morning Post, November 29, 2019

Hong Kong court revokes search warrant for medical records of woman who accused police of rape
Hong Kong Free Press, November 28, 2019

Hong Kong court sends 16-year-old to rehab for carrying laser pointer, hiking pole and modified umbrella at demo
Hong Kong Free Press, November 26, 2019