Hong Kong (香港)

星島:晤工聯會落選區議員ㅤ林鄭當面致歉ㅤ承諾派公職 (Carrie Lam apologizes to pro-establishment district councillors and promises to offer them employment in government positions)
Stand News, December 10, 2019

不否認將向落選建制區議員派公職 林鄭:敗選與政府有直接關係,不因無議席視為陌路人 (Government directly related to defeat of pro-establishment camp, should not "treat them like strangers" because they lost their seats, says Carrie Lam)
Stand News, December 10, 2019

林鄭月娥稱重新審視立法會特首質詢環節是否仍屬有意義 (Carrie Lam says she will review whether Chief Executive Q&A session in LegCo is "still meaningful" in light of confrontations from legislators)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 10, 2019

警搜出手槍子彈 五被告提堂 投訴遭警拳打腳踢 一度情緒激動抽泣 (Police find handgun and live-ammo a day before march on Sunday; defendant says he was beaten in dark room after arrest, forced to unlock his phone and make statement under physical threat)
Stand News, December 9, 2019

Hundreds of democrats and district councillors urge Hong Kong gov’t to scrap police pay rise plans
Hong Kong Free Press, December 9, 2019

Hong Kong Justice Dep’t denies Justice Sec. Teresa Cheng tried to resign and stay in UK
Hong Kong Free Press, December 9, 2019

Behind huge Hong Kong march, a dramatic show of public support
Christian Science Monitor, December 9, 2019