梁凌杰逝世半周年 追思會現百米人龍 大批市民獻花 (At vigil in Admiralty, Hong Kong citizens mourn first death in protest on half-year anniversary)
Stand News, December 15, 2019
梁凌杰殞落半年夜 他在《造星》決賽台上喊 RIP (Pop star competition contestant mourns protester who died in June with protest song on stage)
Stand News, December 16, 2019
社福界周二起罷工三日 料 40 工會組織約 2000 人參與 (2,000 social workers in 40 unions in social welfare sector to participate in 3-day strike)
Stand News, December 15, 2019
社福界發起三天罷工 羅致光籲秉持專業勿影響基本服務 (Secretary for Labour and Welfare calls for maintenance of basic services as social welfare sector prepares for 3-day strike)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 16, 2019
「和你 Shop」爆衝突 警新城市、德福拘 16 人 最年輕 14 歲 ("Christmas Shop with You" protest activity turns to clashes and arrests in malls)
Stand News, December 16, 2019
China's Xi vows support for Hong Kong leader during 'most difficult' time
Reuters, December 16, 2019
浸大編委疑被警方催淚彈擊中 右眼眼角流血 (Baptist University student reporter shot in eye with tear gas canister during protest in Mongkok)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 16, 2019
被送中? 港男赴澳门经港珠澳大桥被公安扣查后失联 港驻粤办介入 (Missing Hong Kong citizen intercepted by mainland public security officers on Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge)
Radio France Internationale, December 15, 2019
Hongkonger reportedly disappears during mainland security check on Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge
Agence France-Presse, December 15, 2019
「撐警控訴暴力集會」稱過萬人參與 倡警加薪議員減薪 楊官華:假新聞受害者追究編輯記者 (Police supporters rally in Admiralty, urge salary cuts for legislators and district councillors and "victims of fake news" to press lawsuits against editors and reporters)
Stand News, December 15, 2019
Revolution 101: For hardened teens of the Hong Kong protests, violence is one way forward
Reuters, December 13, 2019
Five Hong Kong teenagers arrested over death of man during protests
The Guardian, December 14, 2019
七旬清潔工中磚不治 警拘 3 男 2 女 15 至 18 歲 涉嫌謀殺暴動傷人 (Police arrest five on murder and rioting charges after 70-year-old cleaner was killed by brick during protest)
Stand News, December 12, 2019
燒國旗判12個月感化 裁判官勸女童勿衝動不顧後果 (13-year-old girl sentenced to 12-month probation for burning Chinese flag in protests)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 13, 2019
Hong Kong court orders counseling for girl, 13, for burning Chinese flag: RTHK
Reuters, December 13, 2019
南韓民間團體訪港 震驚港警暴釀人道問題 促政府勿與民為敵 (Visiting South Korean NGOs express shock at humanitarian crisis caused by police violence, urge Hong Kong gov’t not to treat its people as enemies)
Inmediahk.net, December 13, 2019
‘Buy Yellow, Eat Yellow’: The Economic Arm of Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Protests
The Diplomat, December 13, 2019
Self-help groups for Hong Kong protesters sprout over Telegram app, offering jobs, homes, medical treatment and more
South China Morning Post, December 15, 2019
PTSD and protests: How the violence on Hong Kong’s streets impacts mental health
Hong Kong Free Press, December 15, 2019