在海外,抖音與微信為何成為「中國威脅論」的延伸? (How did Douyin and Weixin become the extension of China's threat overseas)
The Initium, January 17, 2020
將香港議題推進美國政治:反修例運動的華府遊說者 (Bringing Hong Kong into American politics: The lobbyists for the anti-extradition movement in Washington D.C.)
The Initium, January 17, 2020
【英國專訪之一】與家人斷絕關係 鄭文傑:收母親不尋常短訊電話 特別提醒小心女友安危 (Interview with Simon Cheng (Part 1): A phone call from his mother prompted him to cut ties with family to keep them safe)
Citizen News, January 17, 2020
【英國專訪之二】內地嚴刑逼供 鄭文傑四肢被鎖木板 被罵「國家的敵人」(Interview with Simon Cheng (Part 2): Cheng reveals details of his torture: tiger chair, body tied on cross, officials revealed there are other Hong Kongers caught)
Citizen News, January 17, 2020