Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s ‘yellow economy’ rewards protester-friendly businesses
Agence France-Presse, January 15, 2020

Hong Kong police consider arming officers with electroshock devices and net guns amid protests
South China Morning Post, January 15, 2020

Hong Kong police defuse pipe bomb, arrest four for manufacturing explosives
Reuters, January 14, 2020

大律師公會再促設獨立委員會 徹查 7.21、8.31等事件 建議由終院法官任主席 (Hong Kong Bar Association issues public proposal to Chief Executive, renews call for independent commission of inquiry and offers suggestions)
Stand News, January 14, 2020

Hong Kong Bar Association offers city leader Carrie Lam blueprint for independent inquiry into protests
South China Morning Post, January 14, 2020

Letter to Chief Executive dated 14 January 2020 and Paper on the Establishment of a Commission of Inquiry into the Social Unrest in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Bar Association, January 14, 2020

港大將啟動審理解除教席 師生校友明日集會聲援戴耀廷 抗議程序不公 (Students and alumni to rally in support of Benny Tai, criticize procedural injustice as HKU management set to commence hearing to review tenure)
Stand News, January 14, 2020

District councillors slam Hong Kong minister over refusal to halt work on controversial HK$50 million musical fountain
South China Morning Post, January 14, 2020

Hong Kong protests: High Court test for warrants that let police search phones
South China Morning Post, January 13, 2020