The coronavirus outbreak exposes the truth about socialism with Chinese characteristics
Hong Kong Free Press, February 23, 2020
Hong Kong protests: It’s not the economy, stupid, it’s the politics
Hong Kong Free Press, February 23, 2020
Off with their heads! Beijing names new men to run Hong Kong affairs, but will there be change?
Hong Kong Free Press, February 22, 2020
The coronavirus is no Chernobyl, but a wake-up call for China’s top-down autocratic rule
South China Morning Post, February 22, 2020
How China is losing global trust and goodwill over its handling of the coronavirus crisis
South China Morning Post, February 22, 2020
李立峯:社會運動下的抗疫和抗疫下的社會運動 (Combatting viral outbreak amid a social movement, and undergoing a social movement in a viral outbreak)
Ming Pao, February 20, 2020