‘It’s crazy now’: Discrimination over coronavirus is worse than during SARS, says Hong Kong domestic worker activist
Hong Kong Free Press, February 6, 2020
【武漢肺炎】內地入境人士強制檢疫14日 拒全禁內地人來港 (Hong Kong authorities announce mandatory 14-dayquarantine for travelers from mainland, but refuse to impose entry-ban)
Inmediahk.net, February 5, 2020
【罷工第四天】員工陣線促醫管局日內談判 不排除延長罷工 (Quarantine is not banning: Hospital staff union urges authorities to commence negotiations, or strike might continue after Friday)
Stand News, February 6, 2020
【醫護罷工】4,600員工今缺勤 醫管局籲回崗位:暫停行動才有得傾 (After third day of strike, Hospital Authority says doctors and nurses "must return to posts before negotiations can begin", refuse to guarantee no reprisals)
Inmediahk.net, February 5, 2020武汉肺炎:香港罢工护士的内疚、恐惧与不安 (Guilt, fear and trepidation for Hong Kong's nurses on strike)
BBC, February 5, 2020
【武漢肺炎】新系統供醫護看病人外遊紀錄防瞞報 東區急症室試行 (Hospital to test electronic system that allows doctors to check patients' travel records amidst incidents of false-reporting on travel history)
HK01, February 6, 2020
Coronavirus: Taiwan restricts Hong Kong and Macau travellers amid outbreak crisis
South China Morning Post, February 6, 2020