Coronavirus: Hong Kong medics tell gov’t to offer more support or face mass resignations
Hong Kong Free Press, February 6, 2020
【不斷更新】數千罷工醫護留守醫管局 要求與高層會面未果 (Thousands of doctors and nurses hold sit-in at Hospital Authority asking for negotiations on last day of strike; officials refuse to meet), February 7, 2020
【武漢肺炎】梁卓偉:輸入個案要零風險只能全面封關 家居隔離單靠自律不可行 (Doctor on government's advisory panel says only full border closure can ensure zero risk for imported cases, quarantine based on "self-discipline" is not viable)
Stand News, February 7, 2020
Coronavirus: Hong Kong students and civil servants asked to help monitor people returning from mainland China as mandatory quarantine comes into force
South China Morning Post, February 7, 2020
宣佈強制檢疫 政府留兩天半空窗期 入境香港內地人數翌日急升 3 成 經深圳灣升一倍 (In window before mandatory quarantine, number of incoming visitors through border surges 30%)
Stand News, February 7, 2020
眾新聞4度追問出售口罩予哪些NGO 懲教署3日後答:涉及第三者資料,不會披露 (Authorities say they donated facemasks made by inmates to local NGOs, but refuse to disclose which ones)
Citizen News, February 7, 2020
台停辦港澳入台證 港府:無必要 (Hong Kong government says it is "unnecessary" for Taiwan to cease entry-visa applications from Hong Kong and Macau)
Ming Pao, February 7, 2020
Coronavirus: give street cleaners surgical masks or risk them walking off the job, Hong Kong warned
South China Morning Post, February 6, 2020
Coronavirus: single mother uses same mask for five days as grass roots priced out of Hong Kong’s frantic panic buying or too weak to queue overnight
South China Morning Post, February 5, 2020
元朗連儂牆遇襲者遭踢斷肋骨 指警察曾讚打得好 ("Good job": Victim of Yuen Long Lennon Wall beating says police officers praised attackers), February 6, 2020