Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

China Announces That It Will Expel American Journalists
New York Times, March 17, 2020

China Takes Countermeasures Against Restrictive Measures on Chinese Media Agencies in the US
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, March 18, 2020

HRIC Note: The move to prohibit New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post journalists with U.S. citizenship from working in Hong Kong, where there is no official registration requirement for journalists, directly contravenes the “one country, two systems” principle under which the  Hong Kong Special Administration Region is governed. Last October, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam stated clearly: “We have no intention or plan to start a centralised registration system for journalists, not to mention doing any vetting on who can conduct reporting . . . . Freedom of speech is a core value of Hong Kong, and I completely agree that the media has a role as the ‘fourth estate’ in monitoring the government. So our job is to facilitate and assist the work of the media.”


网络文革?辩手邱晨为“港独”言论致歉退圈 (An Internet Cultural Revolution? Well-known debater Qiu Chen apologizes for 6-year-old remarks accused as supportive of “Hong Kong independence”)
Deutsche Welle, March 17, 2020

中国赋予网警更大权力,压制有关疫情应对的愤怒和批评 (Muting coronavirus anger, China empowers its internet police)
The New York Times, March 17, 2020

面对当局对疫情报道的压制,中国记者发起反击 (As China cracks down on coronavirus coverage, journalists fight back)
The New York Times, March 16, 2020

中国称特朗普在推文中使用“中国病毒”是对中国的污名化 (China says Trump's use of "Chinese virus" in tweets is stigma over China)
Voice of America, March 17, 2020