Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong loses ranking as world’s freest economy due to months of unrest
South China Morning Post, March 17, 2020

Attempts to probe alleged abuses by Hong Kong police fizzle as district councils told they are overstepping authority
South China Morning Post, March 17, 2020

Hong Kong pro-democracy camp split over holding internal ballots to maximise its chances in Legislative Council elections
South China Morning Post, March 17, 2020

林鄭:周四起所有抵港人士須隔離 14 天 將向全球地區發紅色旅遊警示 全面復課無期 (Hong Kong to require mandatory 14-day quarantine for all arriving travelers, except from mainland China, Macau, Taiwan; date for school reopening remains unclear)
The Stand News, March 17, 2020

警方拒出席會議 書面回覆錯字錯格式 北區區議會:龜縮卸責、極不尊重 (Police refuse to send representative to security briefing held by North District Council)
The Stand News, March 17, 2020

平機會朱敏健: 收近 600 疫症相關歧視查詢 餐廳拒招待內地客或涉殘疾歧視、種族歧視 (The Equal Opportunities Commission has received 600 discrimination complaints during the coronavirus outbreak; restaraunts refusing services to mainlander may have violated the Race Discrimination Ordinance, and discriminated against disabled)
The Stand News, March 17, 2020

許智峯私人檢控西灣河開槍警及深水埗撞人的士司機 東區法院下月 7 日開庭處理 (Hui Chi-fung files private prosecution against police officer who shot a protester at Sai Wan Ho and the taxi driver who ran over pedestrian; Eastern District court to review filing on April 7)
The Stand News, March 17, 2020

葉劉淑儀認為全面禁入境挫經濟 政府抗疫已做得好 (Regina Ip fears market impact from full border closure border, says government is doing a very good job in containing the disease)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 17, 2020