Thursday, March 05, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong TV channels no longer required to air programmes from public broadcaster RTHK
Hong Kong Free Press, March 5, 2020

【免費台不播港台節目】民主派議員斥通訊局「政治封殺」 促政府重新考慮 (Pro-democracy legislators slam Communications Authority for "political persecution" over decision to retract requirement that TV channels must air RTHK programs)
Stand News, March 4, 2020

免費電視台毋須播港台節目 呂秉權:針對港台是策略 傳媒清洗報復正進行 (Reprisal and censorship targeting Hong Kong media underway, warns veteran Bruce Lui over decision on RTHK)
Stand News, March 4, 2020

警方再去信港台投訴「驚方訊息」 指內容令人誤解警隊 (Police send second complaint to Communications Authority, claiming satirical RTHK show "causes the public to misunderstand the police force")
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 4, 2020

Coronavirus: Hong Kong group hands out masks donated by Shenzhen government but recipients are required to provide contact details online
South China Morning Post, March 5, 2020

Coronavirus: as food runs low, calls to speed up help for Hong Kongers stranded in Hubei province increase
South China Morning Post, March 5, 2020

醫管局員工陣線指局方臨床資訊反覆 前線醫護無所適從 (Hospital workers union criticizes the lowering of standards for bedside work in guidelines)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 4, 2020

外籍牧師主持同性婚姻儀式被捕 申司法覆核 今遭高院駁回 須付訟費 (Pastor of pro-LGBT church, arrested after holding marriage ceremony for same-sex couple, has application for judicial review rejected)
Stand News, March 4, 2020

PTU增1500人 消息:防暴隊常規化 (Police to hire 1500 more PTU officers, equivalent to regularizing riot police to handle protests)
Ming Pao, March 3, 2020

鄧炳強:運動至今共拘逾 7700 人 四成是學生 刑事毁壞案逾半犯案人未成年 (Over 40% of 7,700 protest arrests are students, and half of criminal =cases involving damage to property involve underage arrestees, police says)
Stand News, March 2, 2020