Friday, March 06, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Coronavirus: Hong Kong Correctional Services officers decry watchdog’s probe into handling of masks as ‘outrageous’
South China Morning Post, March 6, 2020

Hong Kong’s TVB axes RTHK programmes after watchdog’s rule change but smaller rivals likely to continue airing shows
South China Morning Post, March 6, 2020

只有中国能做?中国呼吁联合国阻止他国进行电子监控 (China closely surveilles its citizens and yet calls on UN to prevent certain countries from conducting large-scale electronic surveillance worldwide to collect personal information)
Voice of America, March 6, 2020

英国保守党要员拟推修正案彻底排除华为 (Senior Conservative MPs seek to pass amendment to ensure that UK networks are free of equipment provided by Huawei after 2022) Financial Times, March 5, 2020

鄭松泰指有囚犯調柙至最高級別監倉 《香港01》稱為梁天琦 (Edward Leung moved to maximum-security prison, sources say)
Stand News, March 5, 2020

Ex-localist leader Edward Leung transferred to maximum-security prison – report
Hong Kong Free Press, March 6, 2020

Hong Kong’s police watchdog lacks power, impartiality and falls shorts of int’l standards, says Amnesty
Hong Kong Free Press, March 5, 2020

指還押人士口罩不足 團體送口罩受阻 收押所衛生欠佳 區議員:似衛生地獄 ("A hygiene hell": District Councillor criticizes poor condition for arrestees in custody, groups blocked from delivering facemasks)
Stand News, March 5, 2020