Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

What to expect now US deems Hong Kong no longer autonomous
South China Morning Post, May 28, 2020

【打壓港台】政府再干預!商經局設專責小組「整頓」港台運作 涵蓋行政財政人事 (Government forms special task force to review RTHK's operations)
Apple Daily, May 28, 2020

港版國安法|詳解人大通過草案後安排 何時在港實施?如何立法? (Explainer on National Security Law next steps: Passage and implementation)
HK01, May 28, 2020

四國際法律組織憂港版國安法侵人權 促人大撤回草案 (4 international law organizations urge NPC to withdraw National Security Law for Hong Kong over human rights concerns)
CitizenNews, May 28, 2020

中國人大通過港版《國安法》,陸委會提「香港人道救援方案」預計1週內完成 (In response to the National Security Law for Hong Kong, Mainland Affairs Council to finish drafting the Hong Kong Humanitarian Rescue proposal next week)
The News Lens, May 28 ,2020

【國安法壓港】首間大學表態 樹仁:盼港府如實反映港人「不同意見」 制訂過程保障法治自由 (Shue Yan is first university in Hong Kong to urge SAR government to listen to the diverse opinions from Hong Kongers, protect rule of law during legislative process)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

支聯會就六四晚會晤警方 李卓人:警無誠意協調 拒回應能否舉行 (Hong Kong Alliance meets police on June Fourth vigil; Lee Cheuk-Yan: Police decline to coordinate or say if vigil is allowed)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

【國安法壓港】民間記者會:近 99% 人反對立法 七成半人指不影響抗爭決心 (Citizens' Press Conference: Nearly 99% oppose National Security Law, 75% say it has no effect on their resolve to continue the struggle)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

【國安法壓港】英美澳加聯合聲明 促北京履行《中英聯合聲明》義務 (In joint statement on National Security Law for Hong Kong, US, UK, Canada, Australia urge Beijing to fulfill Joint Declaration obligations)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

立法會二讀通過國歌法草案 (Draft National Anthem Bill passes the second reading at LegCo)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

Pompeo Says Hong Kong No Longer Has Autonomy Under China

The New York Times, May 28, 2020