Monday, June 01, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police ban Tiananmen memorial vigil, citing Covid-19
The Guardian, June 1, 2020

Five Hong Kong university heads cite ‘stability’ in supporting new security law, while underscoring city’s long-standing rights
South China Morning Post, June 1, 2020

Hong Kong’s justice department will make all decisions to prosecute suspects under new national security law: minister
South China Morning Post, June 1, 2020

Censorship concerns as Hong Kong Companies Registry grills startup over political stance
Hong Kong Free Press, June 1, 2020

警方拒公開《警察通例》所有章節標題 申訴專員歷時9個月調查 裁定眾新聞投訴成立 (Office of the Ombudsman: Hong Kong Police should disclose full content of Police General Orders per CitizenNews' request)
CitizenNews, June 1, 2020

特區政府反駁美國政府的聲明及言論:對持續污名化和妖魔化中國深切遺憾 (HKSAR gov’t on U.S. statements and remarks on Hong Kong: “Deeply regret the continuous stigmatization and demonization of our country”), May 30, 2020

In Hong Kong, China Threatens Businesses and Workers

The New York Times, June 1, 2020

In Hong Kong, Anxiety and Defiance Over Trump’s Move to Cut Ties

The New York Times, June 1, 2020

支聯會呼籲六四晚會遍地開花 李卓人:當晚任何地方燃點悼念燭光 (Hong Kong Alliance calls for city-wide June Fourth vigil; “light a candle wherever you are on the night of June 4,” says chairperson Lee Cheuk-yan)
The Stand News, May 31, 2020

Seven former foreign secretaries urge UK to take lead on Hong Kong
The Guardian, May 31, 2020

人大常委會工作報告:加快推進「港區國安法」立法 (Working report of NPC Standing Committee: Accelerate drafting and passage of National Security Law for Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 31, 2020

聯合國安理會非正式討論香港議題 中國代表批英美:管好自己的事 (UN Security Council held informal discussion of Hong Kong issues; China representative told U.S. and U.K. to "mind your own business")
Ming Pao, May 30, 2020