Friday, June 12, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai among 13 opposition figures to be charged over June 4 vigil
South China Morning Post, June 12, 2020

被指煽惑六四非法集結 支聯會鄒幸彤張文光尹兆堅 民陣陳皓桓等九人將被檢控 (9 activists face charges for inciting illegal assembly on June 4th)
The Stand News, June 12, 2020

Hong Kong protests: police take dispersal action as hundreds gather to mark one-year anniversary of first major clashes
South China Morning Post, June 12, 2020

National security law: Beijing’s offices in Hong Kong take aim at organisers of class boycotts
South China Morning Post, June 12, 2020

香港版国安法:《香港半年报告书》引发英中外交舌战再起 (U.K. releases controversial semi-annual report on Hong Kong)
BBC, June 12, 2020

國歌條例刊憲生效 消息指警方調查可參考社交媒體言論 (National Anthem Law takes effect today; source: police can reference social media posts as part of investigation)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 12, 2020

大律師公會:港區國安法檢控應嚴格按照本港刑事程序 (Hong Kong Bar Association: prosecution of offences under the national security law should be in strict accordance with normal criminal procedures applicable in Hong Kong courts)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 12, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on the Drafting of the National Security Law
Hong Kong Bar Association, June 12, 2020