Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Former Hong Kong envoy chosen as new British ambassador to China
South China Morning Post, June 16, 2020

National security law: Hong Kong leader calls on opposition camp not to demonise legislation"
South China Morning Post, June 16, 2020

Hong Kong justice secretary says ‘improper’ intent, political motivations reasons to quash private criminal prosecutions
South China Morning Post, June 16, 2020

Coronavirus: Hong Kong to let groups of 50 people meet in public as government dramatically reduces social-distancing measures
South China Morning Post, June 16, 2020

Britain warns at UN rights forum against security law for Hong Kong
Reuters, June 16, 2020

指香港是全國 14 億人「風險位」 林鄭:「300 萬」簽名證港人撐國安法 反對者與廣大市民為敵 警告停手 (Referring to Hong Kong as the “risk point” for 1.4 billion people, Carrie Lam claims 3 million Kong Kongers support the national security law and warns opponents to cease and desist)
The Stand News, June 16, 2020

港區國安法|籌罷課組織籲投票展民意 稱政府譴責「公投」打壓青年聲音 (Class boycott group urges referendum on national security law for Hong Kong, calls government's condemnation an attempt to suppress voices of young people)
Ming Pao, June 16, 2020

取消食肆婚宴人數限制卻保留限聚令 郭家麒批為打壓七一遊行 (Hong Kong government lifts limit on restaurants and wedding receptions but keeps public gathering at 50; Kwok Ka-Ki, LegCo member, slams move as ploy to block July 1 March)
CitizenNews, June 16, 2020