Friday, June 19, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

AP Interview: Martin Lee sees end of the Hong Kong he knows
Associated Press, June 19, 2020

China Presses Ahead With Tougher-Looking National Security Law For Hong Kong
Radio Free Asia, June 18, 2020

Student’s pro-democracy human chain protest cancelled after Hong Kong police warn schools
Hong Kong Free Press, June 19, 2020

【國安法壓港】英駐華使館發文反駁中國指控 指《中英聯合聲明》仍有效 文章遭微信刪除 (WeChat removes UK Embassy in China's statement on the validity of the Sino-British Joint Declaration)
The Stand News, June 19, 2020

籲歐盟對華強硬 黃之鋒:尚有自由的最後證詞 (“It could be my last testimony when I'm free,” Joshua Wong urges EU to stand strong against China)
Deutsche Welle, June 19, 2020

人大常委會會議明早閉幕 未知會否表決港區國安法 (NPC Standing Committee meeting to conclude tomorrow, decision on national security law for Hong Kong remains unknown)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 19, 2020

大律師公會關注內地及官員透露的港區國安法建議細節 (Hong Kong Bar Association express concern over the “supreme status” of the national security law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 19, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on NPCSC's deliberation of the proposed national security law and reported details
Hong Kong Bar Association, June 19, 2020

涉六四煽惑非法集結 李卓人何俊仁梁耀忠黎智英等7.13提堂 (For involvement in organizing June 4 candlelight vigil, Cheuk-Yan, Albert Ho, and 11 activists are due in court on July 13 to be formally charged with “unauthorized” assembly)
Ming Pao, June 19, 2020