中共当局忧虑政权安全设立政治安全警察领导机构 (Concerned with regime security, CPC establishes police leadership agency for political security)
Voice of America, July 7, 2020
平安中国建设协调小组政治安全专项组第一次会议召开 (Building Ping’an (peaceful and safe) China Coordination Small-Group convenes first meeting of its political security team)
Procuratorate Daily, July 6, 2020
美众院外委会共和党人有关新冠疫情起源及中共角色的调查报告全文(U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee ranking member Michael McCaul discusses interim report released in June on origins of COVID-19 global pandemic and China’s role)
Voice of America, July 7, 2020