Monday, July 20, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong launches bid for parliament
The Telegraph, July 20, 2020

Any UK move to suspend extradition treaty interferes in domestic affairs and will meet retaliation, says China
South China Morning Post, July 20, 2020

港區國安法|圖書館覆檢敏感書 獨立書店稱未減少出售政治書 (Sensitive books under library's review in light of National Security Law can still be found in independent bookstores)
HK01, July 29, 2020

港大新聞系總監:不因國安法改變 續教學生報道真相 籲勿因恐懼自設紅線 (Director of HKU Journalism and Media Studies Centre: We do not intend to do anything different under the National Security Law; will continue teaching journalism that speaks truth to power; do not self-censor out of fear)
The Stand News, July 17, 2020

7.21事件一年前夕 元朗區議員發起遊行 防暴警形點商場舉紫旗 (Yuen Long district council member organizes rally to mark anniversary of Yuen Long Attack; riot police raise purple flag in mall)
Ming Pao, July 19, 2020

黃之鋒岑敖暉表明不會簽確認書 (Joshua Wong, Lester Shum will not sign loyalty confirmation as Legco election candidates)
Ming Pao, July 18, 2020

民權觀察就選舉政治篩選情況發表報告 (Civil Rights Observer publishes report on political screening of election candidates in Hong Kong), July 17, 2020

Report on Political Screening in Hong Kong: Disqualification of Election Candidates and Legislators
Civil Rights Observer, July 16, 2020

香港美国商会称取消香港特殊待遇将伤害美在港企业 (AmCham: The revocation of Hong Kong's special trade status will hurt American businesses in Hong Kong)
Voice of America, July 18, 2020

Response of AmCham HK to President Trump’s Revocation of Hong Kong’s Special Trading Status
The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, july 17, 2020