Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Britain suspends Hong Kong extradition treaty over national security law
South China Morning Post, July 20, 2020

特區政府強烈反對英國停移交逃犯 批雙重標準政治操作 (HKSAR gov't strongly opposes UK’s suspension of extradition agreement with Hong Kong, calling it a political move with double standards)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 21, 2020

英中止與港引渡協議 中國駐英使館譴責:英再次違反國際法 (Spokesperson of Chinese embassy in UK: UK has once again violated international law in suspending extradition agreement with Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong protests: activist holding banner arrested on suspicion of breaking new security law at anniversary of Yuen Long attack
South China Morning Post, July 21, 2020

Pro-democracy election hopefuls refuse to sign form declaring China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, July 21, 2020

美参议员提出允许香港人在美国工作的法案 (U.S. Senator Ron Wyden introduces bill to allow Hong Kong people to work in U.S.)
Voice of America, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong People's Freedom and Choice Act
Senator Ron Wyden, July 20, 2020

香港九月立法会选举充满变数 北京多套方案打压民主派参选人 (Facing uncertainties in LegCo elections, Beijing prepares multiple strategies to suppress democratic candidates)
Radio Free Asia, July 20, 2020

香港民研:自由、法治評分創新低 鍾劍華批國安法製造負面情緒 (Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute: Freedom and rule of law ratings at record low; deputy chief executive officer Chung Kim-Wa cites National Security Law as source of negative sentiments)
inmediahk.net, July 21, 2020

POP releases the latest social and freedom indicators
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, July 21, 2020