Chen Guangcheng: escaped dissident says vote Trump to stop Chinese 'aggression'
The Guardian, August 27, 2020
陳光誠共和黨全代會演說 批中共威脅全球 (At Republican National Convention, Chen Guangcheng warns of CPC as a global threat)
Deutsche Welle, August 27, 2020
Commerce Department Adds 24 Chinese Companies to the Entity List for Helping Build Military Islands in the South China Sea
U.S. Department of Commerce, August 26, 2020
男子微信被封维权不果 以死控诉腾讯无理封号 (Man jumps to his death to protest blocking of his WeChat account on what he called unreasonable ground)
Radio Free Asia, August 27, 2020
微信号被封男子坠亡事件:申诉、遗言和15万 (Suicide over blocked WeChat account: Appeals, last words, and RMB150,000)
The Paper, August 27, 2020
特朗普政府就南海问题制裁24家中国公司(U.S. Sanctions 24 Chinese Companies Over Role in South China Sea)
The New York Times, August 27, 2020
澳大利亚起草新涉外法, “一带一路”备忘录或将作废 (Australia to introduce bill empowering foreign minister to cancel states’ foreign agreements deemed detrimental to national interest, including “One Belt One Road" initiative)
Voice of America, August 27, 2020