Monday, August 10, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

National security law: Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai, activist Agnes Chow among those arrested as police spend nearly nine hours searching Apple Daily offices
South China Morning Post, August 10, 2020

警隊試行「可信媒體」准入封鎖線採訪 記協主席︰製造更多問題 (Hong Kong police test new policy allowing only trusted media to report beyond barricades but the chairperson of Hong Kong Journalists Association believes that will only create more problems)
HK01, August 11, 2020

多個傳媒工會及組織關注警方拘捕傳媒創辦人及管理層 並對大規模搜查傳媒大樓表示震驚 (Multiple journalist associations raise concerns arising from the arrest of media founder and executives, along with the shocking extensive search of the headquarters)
Ming Pao Staff Association, August 10, 2020

民主派聯合聲明:強烈譴責警方公然審查及侮辱傳媒,要求交代是否成為新規矩 (Democratic legislative council members issue a joint statement condemning Hong Kong Police's shameful investigation as an insult to the press)
Inmediahk, August 10, 2020

What people are saying about the arrest of Hong Kong's Jimmy Lai
Reuters, August 9, 2020

聯合國 27 問港府 促交代國安法、警方濫暴、打壓集會、DQ 候選人等 (The UN sends the Hong Kong government a list of issues asking for information on issues including the National Security Law, police brutality, and the disqualification of election candidates)
The Stand News, August 10, 2020

List of issues in relation to the fourth periodic report of Hong Kong, China
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, August 6, 2020