通識書送審|教科書作者匿名披露審閱細節:教局務求用字政治正確 (Liberal studies textbook author: Education Bureau demands politically-correct wording)
HK01, August 21, 2020
【審查教科書】團體發起聯署促撤回通識書修訂 鄭家朗呼籲學生杯葛新書 (Student group urges retraction of revised liberal studies textbook; Isaac Cheng Ka-long calls for student boycott)
The Stand News, August 21, 2020
立法會|民研調查顯示較多人反對延任 民主黨擬9月下旬再做民調 (Polls show more people favor leaving LegCo than staying; Democratic Party to survey again in late September)
Ming Pao, August 21, 2020