Friday, October 30, 2020

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Missing Hong Kong protester Alexandra Wong 'was held in mainland China'
British Broadcasting Corporation, October 17, 2020

王婆婆公開內地被捕軟禁一年經歷 被參加「愛國之旅」迫拍片對國旗罰站 無懼在港坐政治監 (In press conference, Grandma Wong shares experience of year-long house arrest in mainland, including being forced to go on a “patriotic” tour, confess in video-taping, and reflect in front of PRC flag)
CitizenNews, October 17, 2020

National security law: Jimmy Lai takes Hong Kong police to court seeking return of materials seized in office raid
South China Morning Post, October 19, 2020

Too Soon to Concede the Future: The Implementation of The National Security Law for Hong Kong--An HRIC White Paper
Human Rights in China, October 16, 2020

國安法對香港互聯網的影響 (The National Security Law impact on Internet in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, October 17, 2020

全國人大通過修改國旗國徽法 譚耀宗:主要強化對中小學宣傳 港府應參考修例 (NPC passes amended National Flag and National Emblem Laws; Tam Yiu-chung urges Hong Kong gov’t to consider using them to strengthen PRC flag and emblem education in elementary, secondary schools)
The Stand News, October 17, 2020

芬蘭暫停與香港引渡協議 中方:堅決反對 不容外部勢力干預 (Finland suspends extradition agreement with Hong Kong; China: Strongly oppose, will not tolerate interferences from foreign forces)
The Stand News, October 17, 2020

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong judiciary dismisses complaints against magistrate over 6 protest rulings
Hong Kong Free Press, October 8, 2020

Interview: 'I Was Arrested at a National Day Protest in Hong Kong'
Radio Free Asia, October 7, 2020

【設局送中?】《蘋果》 引政府消息:港警登飛行服務隊飛機 監視 12 港人快艇 (Sources told Apple Daily: Hong Kong police was onboard HKG Flying Service aircraft to observe the arrest of 12 Hong Kongers at sea)
The Stand News, October 8, 2020

01消息:林鄭倡明年立會選舉 港人可在內地投票 不限於大灣區 (Sources: Carrie Lam to allow Hong Kongers to cast votes in mainland China for the Legislative Council election next year)
HK01, October 8, 2020

10.1荃灣暴動案 案件押後至12月再訊 中槍學生曾志健擬認罪 (Student shot by police in 2019 to plead guilty to rioting), Octoer 8, 2020

近 200 宣道校友家長聯署 指被釘牌教師深受愛戴 斥教局政治凌駕學生利益 (Nearly 200 parents sign joint letter to support de-licensed teacher, criticize Education Bureau for putting politics above students' interests)
The Stand News, October 8, 2020

人民日報文章指本港殖民教育荼毒長期未清 (People's Daily article slams Hong Kong education for inability to rid colonial influence)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 8, 2020

零容忍“播独”教师,学校不是揽炒温床 (Zero tolerance for teachers spreading independence ideology; schools are not incubators for Lam Chau)
People's Daily, October 8, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

First person charged under Hong Kong’s national security law will stand trial at High Court, with no cap on sentencing
South China Morning Post, October 6, 2020

Hong Kong teachers warned pro-independence lessons could lead to prosecution under national security law
South China Morning Post, October 6, 2020

教協擬眾籌司法覆核挑戰釘牌 特赦組織:無理處罰令教師噤聲 (Teacher Union to provide legal assistance to de-licensed teacher; Amnesty: Unreasonable censoring of educational activities)
Apple Daily, October 6, 2020

Hong Kong: Education must not be censored after teacher stripped of licence for ‘promoting independence’
Amnesty International, October 6, 2020

The Hong Kong people left out of the UK’s safe haven offer
Aljazeera, October 6, 2020

12 港人送中當日 飛行服務隊派機「監視」? 重組近 7 小時航程紀錄 (Did Hong Kong gov’t’s Flying Service oversee the arrest of 12 Hong Kongers at sea? About 7 hours of flight record reconstructed)
The Stand News, October 6, 2020

12港人送中︱飛行服務隊兩度出動疑追蹤12人快艇 「不知情」說法揭警謊 (Flight record showing Hong Kong gov’t Flying Service dispatched twice to surveil the arrest of 12 Hong Kongers at sea exposes police's false claim of no knowledge)
Apple Daily, October 5, 2020

特首重申「12港人」案港警沒任何角色 (Carrie Lam: Police did not participate the arrest of 12 Hong Kongers at sea)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 6, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Hong Kong – is it worth staying?
Hong Kong Free Press, October 2, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

National Day: at least 86 people arrested in Hong Kong for illegal assembly or other offences
South China Morning Post, October 1, 2020

截至晚上10時多區至少86人被捕 包括4名區議員 (As of 10 p.m., at least 86 people were arrested in may districts, including 4 district councilors)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 1, 2020

【慶 10.1】警多次拉橙帶截查 多名網媒記者被票控 警:新修訂「無損採訪權」(Police use orange tapes to restrict journalists; many Internet media reporters ticket; police insis revised rules place no restrictions on right to interview)
The Stand News, October 1, 2020

As Hong Kong police crack down on scattered protesters on National Day, ordinary residents fume over heavy security blanket
South China Morning Post, October 1, 2020

中秋夜,香港人連上獅子山嘅自由都被剝奪 (On Mid-Autumn Festival, Hong Kongers are stripped of freedom to go to Lion Rock)
The Stand News, October 1, 2020

十一國慶 香港抗議活動再現 市民:我想突破沉鬱的氣氛 (Hong Kong protests resurface on National Day; citizen: I want to break through the gloom)
The Initium, October 1, 2020

【10・1】香港抗爭藝術展今東京開幕 主辦人嘆國安法下難在港展出 (At Tokyo opening of Hong Kong protest art show, organizer laments difficulty to exhibit in Hong Kong under National Security Laws)
The Stand News, October 1, 2020

US includes Hongkongers among refugees whose applications will be prioritised
South China Morning Post, October 2, 2020

'In my dreams I'm there': the exodus from Hong Kong
The Guardian, September 30, 2020

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam vows to be fearless in face of foreign hostility, says city must rely on Beijing for its economic recovery
South China Morning Post, October 1, 2020

Hong Kong secondary student ‘suspended’ for wearing uniform to lunchtime demos
Hong Kong Free Press, September 30, 2020

Hong Kong Court Extends Travel Ban on Activist Joshua Wong
Radio Free Asia, September 30, 2020