Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s Courts Are Still Independent. Some Want to Rein Them In.

The New York Times, November 30, 2020

戴啟思憂北京將猛攻香港司法系統 或修改《基本法》DQ法官 (Philip Dykes, head of Hong Kong Bar Association, fears Beijing will aggressively attack Hong Kong's judicial system or amend Basic Law to disqualify judges)
Stand News, November 26, 2020

Hong Kong student who suffered fatal injuries in car park fall near protest site last year was unlikely to have lost balance, inquest hears
South China Morning Post, November 30, 2020

Hong Kong liberal studies to be renamed and reformed – more China content, less focus on current affairs
Hong Kong Free Press, November 27, 2020

Hong Kong to rename liberal studies and require students visit mainland China under wide-reaching reforms to subject
South China Morning Post, November 26, 2020

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam defends liberal studies reform, and says subject was not meant to be debate exercise on current affairs
South China Morning Post, November 28, 2020

'Remarkably effective': Carrie Lam praises Hong Kong national security law
The Guardian, November 25, 2020

LIVE: Chief Exec. Carrie Lam’s Hong Kong Policy Address 2020 & press conference
Hong Kong Free Press, November 25, 2020

AP Interview: HK lawmaker says democracy fight needs rethink
Associated Press, November 29, 2020

‘Be water’ licence plate banned by Hong Kong Transport Dep’t as it ‘may cause danger’ to road users
Hong Kong Free Press, November 30, 2020

Carrie Lam interview: Hong Kong’s leader in her own words on protests, political turmoil and what next for the city
South China Morning Post, November 30, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong ‘held in solitary confinement’
Hong Kong Free Press, November 25, 2020

Hong Kong leader vows to restore political order in key speech
Radio France Internationale, November 25, 2020

香港《施政报告》:建制派赞 “正本清源”,民主派称缺乏愧疚 (Hong Kong Policy Address: Pro-establishment camp says it “clearly addresses the fundamental issues”; democratic camp slams it as devoid of remorse)
BBC, November 25, 2020

林郑月娥再向中央表忠 施政方针全面配合北京 (Carrie Lam pledges allegiance again with policy direction matching Beijing’s)
Radio Free Asia, November 25, 2020

The Chief Executive's 2020 Policy Address
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of china, November 25, 2020

【12 港人送中】葡國環保部長致函北京 要求探望郭子麟 表明無休止關注事件 (EU parliamentarian Isabel Santos seeks visit with Kok Tsz-lun of the detained Hong Kong 12, vows unwavering concern)
The Stand News, November 25, 2020

【區選一年】資深區議員蔡澤鴻憂最差情況:區議會被削權 分區會取而代之 (Choy Chak-hung, senior district councillor, fears worst-case scenario: district councils will be overtaken by area committees)
CitizenNews, November 24, 2020

国安法:两名被整肃的香港教师和校园里的高压线 (Hong Kong National Security Law: 2 punished teachers and red line in schools)
BBC, November 25, 2020

Free to Think 2020: Report of the Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Monitoring Project
Scholars at Risk Network, November 18, 2020

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Monday, November 23, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Court rules Hong Kong’s police watchdogs ‘inadequate’; failures in displaying officer IDs breached Bill of Rights
Hong Kong Free Press, November 19, 2020

Hong Kong protests: police national security unit to investigate student rally at Chinese University
South China Morning Post, November 18, 2020

Five Eyes allies call on China to reverse ban on Hong Kong pro-democracy legislators
The Guardian, November 18, 2020

英美澳加新“五眼联盟”发表香港问题联合声明:北京有预谋禁绝反对声音(Joint statement on Hong Kong by "Five Eyes Alliance" of UK, U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand: Beijing has planned to extinguish dissent)
British Broadcasting Corporation, November 19, 2020

Related: (Note: November 18, 2020)

Joint Statement on Hong Kong
U.S. Department of State, November 18, 2020

12港人被扣近3個月 家屬稱收到親筆信但認為有可疑 (Families doubt authenticity of signed letters from detained Hong Kong 12)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 19, 2020

鍾翰林被指搶國旗受審 控方屢改控罪及案情 官:唔係好滿意 (In trial of Tony Chung, accused of grabbing national flag, judge finds prosecution’s repeated change of charges problematic)
inmediahk.net, November 19, 2020

記協聲明:覆核警員不展示編號及投訴警方機制不符《人權法》獲判勝訴 (Statement by Hong Kong Journalists Association on court ruling that HKPF’s failure in displaying officers’ IDs violates Bill of Rights)
inmediahk.net, November 19, 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police arrest 3 pro-democracy ex-lawmakers in connection with throwing foul-smelling objects in legislature
Hong Kong Free Press, November 18, 2020

Hong Kong mask manufacturer suspends business after being accused of possibly violating national security law over design and packaging of products
South China Morning Post, November 18, 2020

圖書館審查陳淑莊、黃之鋒等著作 油尖旺區會通過促重新上架(Yau Tsim Mong district council approves return of books by Tanya Chan, Joshua Wong to library shelves)
inmediahk.net, November 18, 2020

言論被指涉違港區國安法 科大教授李靜君反駁原意遭扭曲 (Accused of violating National Security Law, Professor Ching Kwan Lee of the University of Science and Technology of China argues the meaning of her expression was distorted)
Mingpao.com, November 18, 2020

HRIC Note: The accusers are pro-Beijing newspapers Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po. The sentence in question is “Hong Kong belongs to the world”—which Professor Lee says she used to describe Hong Kong’s connection with the international community in terms of culture, consciousness, and economic ties, rather than sovereignty.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong District Councillor Raymond Li arrested months after rally against looming national security law
Hong Kong Free Press, November 17, 2020

China says it plans more moves in Hong Kong including ‘perfect’ legal system
Independent, November 17, 2020

張曉明指反中亂港者出局是政治規矩 認同要司法改革 (Zhang Xiaoming: Ouster of PRC opponents and Hong Kong chaos proponents is the political rule; SAR needs “judicial reform”)
RTHK, November 17, 2020

張曉明:本港社會崇尚民主自由核心價值前要加上愛國 (Zhang Xiaoming, Deputy Director of State Council’s Hong Kong And Macau Affairs Office: Hong Kong society must add patriotism before advocacy for core values of democracy and freedom)
RTHK, November 17, 2020

National security education in Hong Kong about nurturing positive values and sense of Chinese identity, not reciting laws, teachers told
South China Morning Post, November 17, 2020

周梓樂死因庭研訊 指揮官稱下令向停車場射5枚催淚彈 (Court inquiry into death of Chow Tsz-lok: Commander ordered firing of tear gas into parking lot 5 times)
RTHK, November 17, 2020

【周梓樂死因研訊】警停車場掃蕩期間目睹傷者 指揮官多次強調沒有妨礙救援 (Court inquiry into death of Chow Tsz-lok: Commander stresses police discovered wounded Chow in parking lot during raid, did not hinder rescue)
inmediahk.net, November 17, 2020

劉兆佳料「愛國者治港」框架將擴至區議會及選委會 (Lau Siu-kai, Hong Kong delegate to CPPCC, foresees extension of "patriots governing Hong Kong" framework to district councils and election committee)
RTHK, November 17, 2020

中国大陆法律学者向香港支联会开炮,六四烛光终将熄灭?(Does mainland legal scholar’s attack on Hong Kong Alliance augurs the extinguishing of June Fourth candlelight in Hong Kong?)
Voice of America, November 17, 2020

譚得志涉發表煽動文字等14罪續還押 控方申由港區國安法指定法官審理 (In Tam Tak-chi’s “incitement” case under National Security Law, prosecution argues for a designated judge)
Ming Pao, November 17, 2020

質疑特首 DQ 四民主派議員屬行為失當 「長洲覆核王」申司法覆核 (Hong Konger seeks judicial review of disqualification of 4 Legco members)
Stand News, November 17, 2020

曾國衞:警方反送中執法克制 冇死過一個人 將向聯合國澄清 (Erick Tsang, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs: Will clarify to UN in ICCPR review that HKPF exercised restraint in 2019 anti-extradition protests, “no one died”)
Stand News, November 16, 2020

Czech foreign ministry condemns Chinese move to disqualify Hong Kong MPs, China reacts
Radio Prague International, November 17, 2020

Monday, November 16, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s controversial national security law tip line gets 10,000 messages in first week of operation
South China Morning Post, November 14, 2020

Hong Kong politicians face pro-democracy exodus
The Guardian, November 14, 2020

Hong Kong schools flooded with official ‘suggestions’ to promote national identity among students, with training for teachers too
South China Morning Post, November 14, 2020

Tightened security, unease over new national security law, as Hong Kong campuses mark first anniversary of protest violence
South China Morning Post, November 15, 2020

8.31暴動案開審 控方:無片段證被告實質行為 僅依賴被捕地點、裝備及逃避警方 (In trial of “8.31” rioting case, prosecution admits to lack of evidence of defendants’ actions, relying only on location, equipment, and flight from police)
inmediahk.net, November 16, 2020

港區國安法首案 正式交高院審理 (The first case under National Security Law is formally transferred to the High Court)
Stand News, November 16, 2020

8個傳媒工會批港府行政手段阻調查真相 要求見特首開放查冊傳媒選項 (In joint letter, 8 media unions criticize measures to restrict search of gov’t registration data, seek meeting with Chief Executive for special provisions for journalists)
HKCNews, November 16, 2020

香港民研:逾4成非民主派支持者相信拘捕蔡玉玲有政治目的 (Poll shows more than 40% among non-democratic supporters believe the arrest of RTHK’s Bao Choy was politically motivated)
inmediahk.net, November 13, 2020

教育局稱被取消註冊教師可按機制上訴而非以政治施壓 (Education Bureau: Deregistered teachers can appeal; decisions not results of political pressure)
RTHK, November 16, 2020

特區政府強烈譴責多國對人大常委會決定作毫無根據指責 (Hong Kong SAR gov’t: Strongly condemn baseless accusations by many countries of the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress)
RTHK, November 14, 2020

香港已领取BNO人数急增至50万 人可移居英国但强积金未能同行 (Nearly 500,000 Hong Kongers have obtained BNO passports to reside in UK but have difficulty retrieving social security—or MPF—savings)
Radio France Internationale, November 15, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

‘Legal certainty has been greatly impaired’: Hong Kong lawyers voice serious concern at ousting of 4 democrats
Hong Kong Free Press, November 13, 2020

高院准延長禁「起底」司法人員 法官:律政司長應助辯護不公指控 惟傳統正在倒退 (In verdict of extending doxing ban on judicial officers, High Court judge Russell Adam Coleman: “It was the tradition that the minister responsible for the administration of justice has the duty of defending the Judiciary or individual Judges against wrong accusations. However, it seems that unfortunately that tradition is in decline”)
The Stand News, November 13, 2020

ACTION NO. 1847 OF 2020
The High Court of the H.K.S.A.R., November 13, 2020

香港立法会泛民主派总辞:港澳办斥“顽固对抗” 英国传召中国大使批北京违《联合声明》 (HKMAO criticizes Hong Kong democratic council members' resignation as a “stubborn confrontation against the Central Government”; UK summons Chinese ambassador for violating the Sino-British Joint Declaration)
BBC, November 12, 220

国务院港澳办发言人:严厉谴责香港特区立法会部分反对派议员辞职闹剧 (HKMAO spokesperson: Strongly condemn the farce of certain Hong Kong Legislative Council members' resignation)
Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, November 12, 2020

Journalists’ protest against producer’s arrest banned by Hong Kong chief sec.
Hong Kong Free Press, November 13, 2020

立法會議員被DQ|蓬佩奧稱中共以扭曲愛國主義扼殺民主 (Pompeo on LegCo members’ disqualification: “CCP’s twisted vision of patriotism is a pretext to stifle freedom and the call for democracy”)
Ming Pao, November 13, 2020

Disqualification of Pan-Democratic Lawmakers in Hong Kong
U.S. Department of State, November 12, 2020

Canada announces new pathway to residency for Hong Kong youth
Aljazeera, November 12, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong opposition lawmakers all quit after four members ousted
The Guardian, November 11, 2020

香港立法会:中国人大常委会决议打击民主派 四议员即时撤职 民主派集体辞任抗议 (All democratic LegCo members resign after NPC Standing Committee's decision to immediately disqualify 4 fellow members)
BBC, November 11, 2020

全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于香港特别行政区立法会议员资格问题的决定 (NPC Standing Committee's decision regarding Hong Kong SAR LegCo members’ qualification)
Xinhua, November 11, 2020

香港民主派称一国两制已死,国际社会促北京遵守国际承诺 (Hong Kong democrats say “one country, two systems” is dead; international community urges Beijing to abide by its promise)
Voice of America, November 12, 2020

【人大授權 DQ】中聯辦斥民主派「鬧辭」 稱「忠誠反對派」是「遊戲規則」 (LOCPG condemns democrats' “resignation play,” claims “loyal opposition” is the “rule of the game”)
The Stand News, November 11, 2020

香港中联办发言人:严正谴责立法会反对派议员“闹辞” 自选绝路者 众必弃之 (LOCPG spokesperson: Strongly condemn LegCo oppositions' “resignation play”; those who choose a dead end will be abandoned by the people)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., November 11, 2020

【人大授權 DQ】大律師公會:港府繞過《基本法》 顯然非正當程序 違法治公平原則 (Hong Kong Bar Association: HK gov't bypasses the Basic Law “without due process,” violates the basic principles of fairness)
The Stand News, November 12, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on the Decision of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (“Government”) to Disqualify Four Legislators
香港大律師公會就香港特區政府決定取消 4 名立法會議員資格的聲明
Hong Kong Bar Association, November 11, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police launch national security law tip-off line for WeChat, SMS and email
Hong Kong Free Press, November 5, 2020

Exclusive: RTHK Radio 3 to play Chinese national anthem daily from mid-Nov – sources
Hong Kong Free Press, November 5, 2020

欧盟关注香港议员被捕 欧版马格尼茨基法有望人权日前问世 (EU is closely following arrests of LegCo members; EU Magnitsky Act may be ready before Human Rights Day)
Radio Free Asia, November 4, 2020

Hong Kong: Statement by the Spokesperson on the arrest of several pro-democracy lawmakers and former lawmakers
European Union, November 2, 2020

Explainer | Why RTHK journalist was arrested, and what that could mean for future of investigative reporting in Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, November 5, 2020

曾投訴旺角女廁內遭警噴椒鋤頸 網媒「娛賓」女記者今早被上門拘捕 11.9 九龍城裁判法院提堂 (Ben Yu Entertainment journalist who filed complaint against police for attacking her in women’s room is arrested; court date scheduled for Nov 9)
The Stand News, November 5, 2020

港台編導被捕 美國務院:深切關注 促中共停止衝擊新聞自由 (U.S. State Department expresses deep concern about the arrest of RTHK journalist, urges CPC to cease attacks on press freedom)
The Stand News, November 5, 2020

港區國安法│教育局月中推教師課程 培訓總體國家安全觀 (Education Bureau to launch national security trainings for teachers in mid-Nov)
HK01, November 5, 2020

粵港澳大灣區中小學校長聯合會將成立 盼大灣區教育更「一體化」 (Greater Bay Area to establish primary, middle school principal league aimed at a more “unified” education in the area)
HK01, November 5, 2020

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Student journalist charged with obstructing Hong Kong police and resisting arrest during mall demo
Hong Kong Free Press, November 4, 2020

Canada makes plan to evacuate its citizens from Hong Kong
The Guardian, November 3, 2020

十四五規劃建議:落實中央對特區全面管治權 堅決防範遏制外部勢力干預港澳事務 (The 14th Five-Year Plan Proposals: Fully implement CPG right of governance over special administrative regions; firmly prevent and contain foreign interference in Hong Kong and Macao's affairs)
CitizenNews, November 4, 2020

中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议 (CPC leadership's proposals for formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for national economic and social development and long-range objectives through 2035)
Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, November 3, 2020

工聯會倡内地向港供教材、大灣區辦展覽 助港人理解國情 ( Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions urges import of mainland textbooks, cultural exhibition in Greater Bay Area to increase Hong Kongers' understanding of China)
HK01, November 4, 2020

稱助鍾翰林等 5 人尋美領館庇護 居英港人組織:按其意願協助及公開事件 (UK-based Friends of Hong Kong group: Assistance to Tony Chung and 4 others’ attempt to seek asylum from U.S. consulate and public disclosure of incident are in accordance with Chung's wish)
The Stand News, November 4, 2020

入境處收緊結婚紀錄查冊規定 《蘋果》投訴 申訴專員將全面調查 (Immigration Department tightens restrictions on public inquiries into marriage records; Office of Ombudsman to fully investigate Apple Daily's complaint)
The Stand News, November 4, 2020

Monday, November 02, 2020