Monday, December 14, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong democracy campaigner Jimmy Lai denied bail
The Guardian, December 12, 2020

黎智英下周三向高院申請保釋 (Jimmy Lai to apply for bail next Wednesday at High Court)
Ming Pao, December 14, 2020

黎智英被加控勾结外国罪 国安法实施后首宗检控可送中审 (Jimmy Lai charged with collusion with foreign country in first such case under National Security Law; may be transferred to mainland)
Voice of America, December 13, 2020

蓬佩奧要求釋放黎智英 律政司不點名批評:不尊重司法、企圖干預中國內政 (U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo urges release of Jimmy Lai; Secretary for Justice calls it an attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs, flouting justice)
Stand News, December 12, 2020

港區國安法|藍韜文籲香港當局停止針對黎智英 (UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab urges Hong Kong authorities to stop targeting Jimmy Lai)
Ming Pao, December 14, 2020

Hong Kong independence activist Andy Chan acquitted of assaulting police, says case is proof of ‘indiscriminate arrests’
Hong Kong Free Press, December 14, 2020

警呈陳浩天15張不同角度相 官︰犯案人戴口罩無特徵、難證同一人判陳兩罪不成立 (Andy Chan To-tin acquitted of two charges; judge: identity of masked offender in 15 photos presented by police cannot be determined)
HKCnews, December 12, 2020

12港人家属再收家书要求请律师代认在港控罪 律师质疑中方套料 (Letters from 12 Hong Kongers detained in China ask families to hire lawyers to handle confession; lawyer fears ploy by Chinese authorities)
Voice of America, December 13, 2020

朱凱廸稱部分官派律師聯絡12港人家屬講解案情 (Eddie Chu: Several appointed lawyers for the Hong Kong 12 contacted families members to discuss cases)
RTHK, December 14, 2020

港府将推公务员签效忠声明 据报道拒签可能被要求离职 (Hong Kong gov’t to push for allegiance statements from civil servants; refusal may lead to removal, according to sources)
Voice of America, December 14, 2020

Hong Kong student activist Tony Chung found guilty of desecrating flag, taking part in unlawful protest
South China Morning Post, December 11, 2020